역도 인상, 용상 기록향상과 관계가 높은 주요 훈련종목 추출

Extraction of Major Training Method that are Highly Related to Snatch Record and Jerk Record Improvement

  • Moon, Young Jin (Department of Sport Science, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Park, Tae Min (Weightlifting Team, Korea Armed Forces Athletic Corps)
  • 투고 : 2021.06.16
  • 심사 : 2021.06.18
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


Objective: It is to extract training items that have a high relationship with the improvement of weightlifting records through correlation and regression analysis between training methods used commonly in the field and Snatch records and jerk records. Through this, it is intended to promote training efficiency to improve the records of weightlifters. Method: For 90 elite weightlifters of the professional teams, 4 groups (lightweight (30 people): 61 kg, 67 kg, 73 kg., middleweight (30 people): 81 kg, 89 kg, 96 kg., heavyweight (30 people): 102 kg, 109 kg, +109 kg., the whole group (90 people)) were divided. At the significance level of 0.05, correlation analysis and linear regression analysis were performed between record of training methods used widely in the field and Snatch records and Jerk records. Results: First, the better the record in Jerk, the better the Snatch record. Second, the three training methods HS, ForceS and WP performed in the field were all found to be important factors related to the improvement of Snatch record. Third, In the jerk where there are more types of training than Snatch, three training methods (HC, ForceS, BPP) appeared to be an important training method for improving the jerk record. Conclusion: While many training methods have been devised and carried out in the field, 3 types of training (HS, ForceS, WP) for improving Snatch record and 3 types of training (HC, ForceS, BPP) for improving Jerk record was found to be the most influential training method. Since all of them showed a large value of explanatory power by regression analysis, it is considered that this study is meaningful in that it can promote training efficiency by simplifying although there are many types of training for athletes.



This study has been supported by research fund of Chungnam National University.


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