Power-based Side-Channel Analysis Against AES Implementations: Evaluation and Comparison

  • Benhadjyoussef, Noura (Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, Electronics and Micro-Electronics Laboratory (, University of Monastir) ;
  • Karmani, Mouna (Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, Electronics and Micro-Electronics Laboratory (, University of Monastir) ;
  • Machhout, Mohsen (Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, Electronics and Micro-Electronics Laboratory (, University of Monastir)
  • Received : 2021.04.05
  • Published : 2021.04.30


From an information security perspective, protecting sensitive data requires utilizing algorithms which resist theoretical attacks. However, treating an algorithm in a purely mathematical fashion or in other words abstracting away from its physical (hardware or software) implementation opens the door to various real-world security threats. In the modern age of electronics, cryptanalysis attempts to reveal secret information based on cryptosystem physical properties, rather than exploiting the theoretical weaknesses in the implemented cryptographic algorithm. The correlation power attack (CPA) is a Side-Channel Analysis attack used to reveal sensitive information based on the power leakages of a device. In this paper, we present a power Hacking technique to demonstrate how a power analysis can be exploited to reveal the secret information in AES crypto-core. In the proposed case study, we explain the main techniques that can break the security of the considered crypto-core by using CPA attack. Using two cryptographic devices, FPGA and 8051 microcontrollers, the experimental attack procedure shows that the AES hardware implementation has better resistance against power attack compared to the software one. On the other hand, we remark that the efficiency of CPA attack depends statistically on the implementation and the power model used for the power prediction.



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