Detecting Android Malware Based on Analyzing Abnormal Behaviors of APK File

  • 투고 : 2021.06.05
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


The attack trend on end-users via mobile devices is increasing in both the danger level and the number of attacks. Especially, mobile devices using the Android operating system are being recognized as increasingly being exploited and attacked strongly. In addition, one of the recent attack methods on the Android operating system is to take advantage of Android Package Kit (APK) files. Therefore, the problem of early detecting and warning attacks on mobile devices using the Android operating system through the APK file is very necessary today. This paper proposes to use the method of analyzing abnormal behavior of APK files and use it as a basis to conclude about signs of malware attacking the Android operating system. In order to achieve this purpose, we propose 2 main tasks: i) analyzing and extracting abnormal behavior of APK files; ii) detecting malware in APK files based on behavior analysis techniques using machine learning or deep learning algorithms. The difference between our research and other related studies is that instead of focusing on analyzing and extracting typical features of APK files, we will try to analyze and enumerate all the features of the APK file as the basis for classifying malicious APK files and clean APK files.



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