Heart Attack Prediction using Neural Network and Different Online Learning Methods

  • 투고 : 2021.06.05
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


Heart Failure represents a critical pathological case that is challenging to predict and discover at an early age, with a notable increase in morbidity and mortality. Machine Learning and Neural Network techniques play a crucial role in predicting heart attacks, diseases and more. These techniques give valuable perspectives for clinicians who may then adjust their diagnosis for each individual patient. This paper evaluated neural network models for heart attacks predictions. Several online learning methods were investigated to automatically and accurately predict heart attacks. The UCI dataset was used in this work to train and evaluate First Order and Second Order Online Learning methods; namely Backpropagation, Delta bar Delta, Levenberg Marquardt and QuickProp learning methods. An optimizer technique was also used to minimize the random noise in the database. A regularization concept was employed to further improve the generalization of the model. Results show that a three layers' NN model with a Backpropagation algorithm and Nadam optimizer achieved a promising accuracy for the heart attach prediction tasks.



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