Mechanical behavior of RC cantilever beams strengthened with FRP laminate plate

  • Received : 2020.06.10
  • Accepted : 2021.06.03
  • Published : 2021.07.25


In this paper, an analytical interfacial stress analysis is presented for simply supported concrete cantilever beam bonded with a composite plate. The adherend shear deformations have been included in the present analyses by assuming a linear shear stress through the thickness of the adherends, one of the strong points of this model; this shear parameter has not been taken up by other researchers. Remarkable effect of shear deformations of adherends has been noted in the results. Indeed, the resulting interfacial stresses concentrations are considerably smaller than those obtained by other models which neglect adherent shear deformations. It is shown that both the normal and shear stresses at the interface are influenced by the material and geometry parameters of the composite beam. The theoretical predictions are compared with other existing solutions. This type of research is very useful for structural calculating engineers who are always looking to optimize strengthening design parameters and implement reliable debonding prevention measures.



This research was supported by the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) as part of the grant for the PRFU research project n° A01L02UN140120200002 and by the University of Tiaret, in Algeria.


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