우리나라 해사중재 활성화를 위한 실무적 제언

Practical Suggestions for Promoting Maritime Arbitration in Korea

  • 투고 : 2021.02.08
  • 심사 : 2021.03.01
  • 발행 : 2021.03.01


While maritime arbitration industry has not been prevalent in Korea, Korea ranked fifth in terms of export volume and its shipbuilding industry ranked top globally in shipbuilding order volume in 2020. The discrepancy between the maritime industry's productivity and relative lack of maritime arbitration has had a negative impact on Korea's economic development. To address these problems, this paper i) reviews preceding research, ii) examines the Korean maritime arbitration system's status and analyzes the KCAB's maritime arbitration statistics from 2005-2020, iii) examines major foreign maritime arbitration institutions' status and strategies including LMAA, SMA, SCMA, and HKMAG, and lastly iv) suggests practical ways to promote maritime arbitration in Korea. The Suggestions for promoting maritime arbitration are 1) to prepare and promote various maritime standardized forms for the Korean shipping industry, 2) to insert an arbitration clause in medium and large-size Korean shipping firms' B/L clause, 3) to expand professional maritime manpower training and other infrastructure, and 4) to enhance the predictability of the result of arbitration through maritime arbitral awards or by examining the feasibility of the appeal system against the arbitral award only on a point of law in the future. In conclusion, the success or failure of promoting maritime arbitration in Korea depends on the will, passion, cooperation and practice of the most important key players in maritime arbitration, such as the Asia Pacific Maritime Arbitration Center (APMAC), the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) and the Seoul Maritime Arbitrators Association (SMAA).



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