P Wave Detection based on QRST Cancellation Zero-One Substitution

  • Cho, Ik-Sung (School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Daegu University)
  • Received : 2021.01.20
  • Accepted : 2021.04.06
  • Published : 2021.06.30


Cardiac arrhythmias are common heart diseases and generally cause sudden cardiac death. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an effective tool that can reveal the electrical activity of the heart and diagnose cardiac arrhythmias. We propose detection of P waves based on QRST cancellation zero-one substitution. After preprocessing, the QRST segment is determined by detecting the Q wave start point and T wave end point separately. The Q wave start point is detected by digital analyses of the QRS complex width, and the T wave end point is detected by computation of an indicator related to the area covered by the T wave curve. Then, we determine whether the sampled value of the signal is in the interval of the QRST segment and substitute zero or one for the value to cancel the QRST segment. Finally, the maximum amplitude is selected as the peak of the P wave in each RR interval of the residual signal. The average detection rate for the QT database was 97.67%.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (No. 2019R1G1A1100771).


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