Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the understanding about speech therapy and the satisfaction of counseling about speech therapy according to the characteristics of mothers who have children with disabilities, and to devise the clinical instruction methods to provide the effective speech therapy by identifying the correlation between the two variables. Methods: This study conducted a survey for 78 mothers of children with disabilities who use speech therapy labs in university. 17 questions were composed to investigate the understanding degree about speech therapy and 24 questions were composed to investigate the satisfaction degree about speech therapy counseling. Results: First, the survey showed that mothers who have the higher education level have the higher understanding degree about language(p<0.01). Second, the survey showed that mothers who have the higher education level have the lower satisfaction degree about counseling process(p<0.5). In the view of job status, mothers who have a job have the higher satisfaction degree about counseling time(p<0.5). Third, the survey showed that in the view of mothers'understanding degree about speech therapy and satisfaction degree about counseling, mothers who have the higher understanding degree about language, speech therapy tools and speech therapy area have the higher satisfaction degree about counseling. Conclusions: This study showed the necessity to understand the subjects'needs exactly and communicate with mothers actively. In addition, the concrete and various methods should be devised in order to increase the understanding degree about speech therapy and increase the satisfaction degree of counseling about the clinical practice environment and language therapy process.