Review of Selection Technique of Design Seismic Wave According to Seismic Design Standards for Buildings

건축물 내진설계기준에 의한 설계지진파 선정 방법 검토

  • Received : 2021.03.17
  • Accepted : 2021.06.15
  • Published : 2021.06.30


Nonlinear time history analyses are frequently carried out for performance-based seismic design. In order to carry out these analyses, the selection of appropriate seismic waves is very important. Since no seismic wave data of the design spectral acceleration level existed in Korea, the seismic wave data of the PEER Center is generally used. However, many of seismic waves selected from the PEER Center seismic wave selection system tend to have predominant short period. Therefore, this study proposes a seismic wave selection method with various predominant periods from the PEER Center seismic wave selection system. This paper introduces the current building seismic criteria for design seismic wave selection and the PEER Center seismic wave selection system, and is investigated the maximum response acceleration distribution using the PEER Center seismic wave selection system and the proposed seismic wave selection method. As a result, the maximum response acceleration of the PEER Center seismic wave selection system was distributed in a specific range of predominant period, and no significant difference of the spectral accelerations was found in before and after the site response analyses. On the other hand, the proposed method was properly distributed in various predominant period domains, and the predominant periods maintained almost the same values after the site response analyses.



이 연구는 2020년도 행정안전부 극한재난대응 기반기술개발사업의 연구비 지원에 의한 결과의 일부임. 과제번호 : 2020 - MOIS31 - 012


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