1930년대 각도의 지방행정관청사 건축요구 절차 및 문서형식

Procedure and Document Format for Requesting Construction of Local Administrative Offices by each Province in the 1930s

  • 투고 : 2021.03.04
  • 심사 : 2021.06.04
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


일제강점기 조선총독부는 일종의 국가기관이었다. 당시 지방행정관청사가 건축되기 위해서는 이를 관할하는 각도가 일정한 행정절차를 거쳐서 조선총독부의 승인을 받아야 했다. 또한 각도의 재정형편이 넉넉지 않았기 때문에 '국가 보조'라는 명목으로 조선총독부의 재정지원도 받아야 했다. 이 승인과 재정지원을 받기 위해 각도가 거친 행정절차는 조선총독부 내무국에 관할 지방행정관청사의 건축을 요구하는 전반부와 조선총독부가 이를 승인하고 재정을 지원하는 후반부로 나뉜다. 이 행정절차에 대한 기존연구로는 1914년과 1927년에 각도가 관할 지방행정관청사 중에서 군청사의 신축을 요구한 전반부를 분석한 것이 있다. 본 연구는 1930년대에 각도가 조선총독부 내무국에 관할 지방행정관청사의 건축을 요구하는 전반부 행정절차를 고찰한다. 구체적으로 조선총독부 공문서를 분석하여 이 요구는 어떠한 행정절차의 일부였는지, 사용된 공문서 양식은 무엇인지, 근거로 삼은 규정은 무엇이었는지 밝힌다. 이를 통해 1930년대 지방행정관청사 건축을 위한 행정절차의 전반부 윤곽을 그릴 수 있을 것이다. 주요 연구자료는 국가기록원이 소장하는 조선총독부 공문서 중에서 1930년대 생산된 세출계획서를 포함하는 회계 관련 조선총독부 공문서와 조선총독부관보이다.

During the Japanese colonial period in Korea, the Choson Governor-General was a kind of state organ. At that time, for a local administrative office to be built, each province('Do') had to go through a certain administrative procedure and be approved by the Choson Government-General. In addition, it was necessary to receive financial support from the Choson Governor-General in the name of "state assistance" because the financial conditions of each province were not sufficient. To obtain this approval and financial support, the administrative procedure was divided into the first half, where each province requested the construction of a local administrative office, and the second half, where the Choson government-general approved it and supported it financially. There are studies on the first half procedure in 1914 and 1927, which were limited to the new construction of county('Goon') offices among several local administrative offices. This study analyzed the first half of the construction of all local administrative offices in the 1930s.



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  7. M. Kim, "Architectural Characteristics of the newly constructed Goon Office Buildings and Influence of their Prototype Schemes in the Period of Japanese Colonial Rule in Korea", Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering, Vol.32, No.2, pp.121-131, Feb. 2016. DOI:
  8. M. Kim, "The Administrative Procedure and the Policy for the Construction of the Goon Office Buildings around the Goon-Rearrangement in 1914", Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol.18, No.7, pp.510-515, July 2018. DOI:
  9. M. Kim, "Demands for the new Construction of the Goon Office Buildings on the Annual Expenditure Plans for 1928 by To(道)s", Research in Engineering Design, Vol.2, No.1, pp.60-71, June 2017.
  10. The Choson Government-General edit., Document folder of district office budget request, 1931, National Archives of Korea Management Number CJA0002793, Available From: (accessed Feb. 26, 2021)
  11. The Choson Government-General edit., Document folder of tax revenue & expenditure plan, 1936, National Archives of Korea Management Number CJA0003231, Available From: (accessed Feb. 26, 2021)
  12. The Choson Government-General edit., Document folder of Sohwa 12 year tax expenditure plan, 1937, CJA0003303, National Archives of Korea Management Number, Available From: (accessed Feb. 26, 2021)
  13. The Chson Government-General edit., Document folder of district office budget request, 1938, National Archives of Korea Management Number CJA0003329, Available From: (accessed March. 26, 2021)
  14. The Choson Government-General edit., Document folder of tax revenue & expenditure plan by every province, 1939, National Archives of Korea Management Number CJA0003471, Available From: (accessed Feb. 26, 2021)
  15. The Choson Government-General edit., Document folder of district office budget request, 1935, National Archives of Korea Management Number CJA0003139, Available From: (accessed March. 26, 2021)
  16. The Choson Government-General edit., Document folder of tax expenditure plan by each To, 1937, National Archives of Korea Management Number CJA0003304, Available From: (accessed March. 26, 2021)
  17. Order No. 42 of the Choson Government-General, "Rule for the accounting affairs of the Choson Government-General and affiliated offices", Gazette of the Choson Government-General, Extra, Aug. 17, 1914.
  18. Order No. 17 of the Choson Government-General, "Revision of the rule for the accounting affairs of the Choson Government-General and affiliated offices", Gazette of the Choson Government-General, No. 469, July 21, 1928.
  19. Evaluation & describing team in the record information service department of National archives of Korea edit., Release of the Document of Japanese Imperialism-Documents-Local Administration Part II, National Archives of Korea, p.1, 2004.
  20. Order No. 53 of the Choson Government-General, "Revision of the division of duties of the Choson Government-General", The Gazette of the Choson Governor-General, Extra, Nov. 8, 1929.