Symptomatic Mid-Substance Posterior Cruciate Ligament Calcification of the Knee Joint

증상을 동반한 슬관절의 후방십자인대 실질부에 발생한 석회화

  • Ahn, Gil Yeong (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Pohang St. Mary's Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Tae Hun (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Pohang St. Mary's Hospital) ;
  • Hwang, Sung Hyun (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Pohang St. Mary's Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Kyung Jin (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Pohang St. Mary's Hospital)
  • Received : 2019.11.13
  • Accepted : 2019.12.10
  • Published : 2021.02.28


Calcification in the tendon is a common disease especially in the rotator cuff. The condition can be treated conservatively in the chronic stage, but surgically in the acute stage. On the other hand there are few reports of calcification in the cruciate ligament of the knee joint, especially calcification of the posterior cruciate ligament. A 51-year-old patient with symptomatic calcification in the mid-substance of the posterior cruciate ligament was treated conservatively. The symptoms did not improve after eight months of conservative treatment, so arthroscopic surgery was performed. During arthroscopic removal of the calcification, the ligament was damaged beyond preservation. Eventually a posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction was performed. At two years after surgery, radiography confirmed no recurrence of the calcification, and the patient was free. We report this case study with a review of the relevant literature.

인대의 석회침착은 비교적 흔히 발생하는 질병으로 주로 견관절의 회전근개에 호발하며 만성기에는 보존적 치료를 할 수도 있지만 급성기에는 수술적 가료를 요하기도 한다. 슬관절의 십자인대에서 발생하는 석회화 침착은 매우 드물게 보고되고 있으며 특히 후방십자인대 내에서 발생한 석회화 침착은 거의 없다. 저자들은 51세 여자에서 증상을 동반한 슬관절의 후방십자인대의 실질부에 발생한 석회화 1예에서 8개월간의 보존적 치료로 호전되지 않아 수술적 치료를 시행하였으며 관절경적 석회 침전물의 절제 시 인대의 심한 훼손으로 잔존 인대의 보존이 힘들어 후방십자인대 재건술을 시행하였다. 술 후 2년에 석회화 침착의 재발은 없었고 증상은 소실되었기에 이를 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.



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