A taxonomic revision of the Boehmeria spicata complex (Urticaceae) in Korea

  • JO, Hyeong Jun (Division of Horticulture and Medicinal Plant, Andong National University) ;
  • KIM, Jae Young (Division of Horticulture and Medicinal Plant, Andong National University) ;
  • LEE, Yuri (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University) ;
  • PARK, Se Hee (Division of Horticulture and Medicinal Plant, Andong National University) ;
  • KWON, Min Ji (Division of Horticulture and Medicinal Plant, Andong National University) ;
  • JEONG, Seon (Division of Horticulture and Medicinal Plant, Andong National University) ;
  • CHUNG, Gyu Young (Division of Horticulture and Medicinal Plant, Andong National University)
  • Received : 2021.03.30
  • Accepted : 2021.06.10
  • Published : 2021.06.30


Seven species and two varieties belonging to the genus Boehmeria Jacq. (Urticaceae) are known to be distributed in Korea. Among them, B. spicata, B. tricuspis, and B. tricuspis var. unicuspis were subjected to an external morphological study. Among the individuals believed to exhibit variations in the leaf shape, B. gracilis and B. silvestrii were newly recognized. Unlike related taxa, B. gracilis has middle leaves with an elliptic, broadly elliptic, ovate, or broadly depressed ovate shape, a regular and serrulate-dentate margin, and an unlobed and short caudate or cuspidate apex. Boehmeria silvestrii has middle leaves with 5-angled ovate, orbicular ovate or broadly ovate shapes, and 3- or 5-lobed and caudate apices. Therefore, we assigned the corresponding names 'Top-geo-buk-kko-ri' and 'Cham-geo-buk-kko-ri'. Meanwhile, the B. spicata complex (B. gracilis, B. silvestrii, B. spicata, and B. tricuspis var. unicuspis) is very closely related in terms of the morphological characters, whereas B. tricuspis exhibits no relationship. Furthermore, because the scientific name and type specimen of B. tricuspis var. unicuspis (Pul-geo-buk-kko-ri) are problematic, the correct name B. paraspicata Nakai and corresponding holotype are presented. Additionally, lectotypes of B. gracilis and B. silvestrii are newly designated here. A taxonomic treatment, descriptions, a key, photographs, type specimens, and leaf variation images of the B. spicata complex are provided in this study.



This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) funded by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea (NIBR202107101).


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