Caspofungin combined with hormones as preemptive therapy of chemotherapy-induced disseminated candidiasis in a patient

  • Yali, Liang (Chinese Herbal Department, The Shunde Affiliated Hospital to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine) ;
  • Zhichao, Qiu (Chinese Herbal Department, The Shunde Affiliated Hospital to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine) ;
  • Yaohe, Li (Hematology department, the First Affiliated Hospital to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine) ;
  • Anping, Liu (Hematology department, the First Affiliated Hospital to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine) ;
  • Zhixiong, Chen (Hematology department, the First Affiliated Hospital to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine) ;
  • Huliwen, Huliwen (Hematology department, the First Affiliated Hospital to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine) ;
  • man, Luo (Hematology department, the First Affiliated Hospital to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine) ;
  • jing, He (Hematology department, the First Affiliated Hospital to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine) ;
  • Xiaoyang, Xiaoyang (Cell Translational Medicine center, The Second Affiliated hospital, Guangzhou Medical University) ;
  • Hai, Lan (Chinese Herbal Department, The Shunde Affiliated Hospital to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine)
  • Received : 2021.02.11
  • Accepted : 2021.05.22
  • Published : 2021.06.25


Disseminated candidiasis (DC) arising from nosocomial fungal infection is a life-threatening complication in critically ill, nonneutropenic patients. The overall nosocomial fungal infection rate in United States hospitals doubled from 1980-1990. Until recently, amphotericin B was the only agent available for the treatment of life-threatening candidal infections, but its use is plagued by toxicities including nephrotoxicity and infusion-related reactions such as rigors and hypotension. The availability of fluconazole, which is regarded more much less toxic than amphotericin B, prompted a surge in research to determine if it is as efficacious in the management of candidemia and hematogenously disseminated candidiasis. Complicating the interpretation of studies is the broad range of infection severity, from candidemia that may be transient and self-limiting to life-threatening hematogenously disseminated candidiasis. This study has used the models of Artificial neural network (ANN) and Support Vector regression (SVR) to accurately assess the clinical trials comparing fluconazole and amphotericin B demonstrate the efficacy of fluconazole for catheter-associated candidemia in critically ill patients when the likely pathogen is Candida albicans. As a result, Amphotericin B should remain the first-line agent for the management of candidemia and hematogenously disseminated candidiasis in all other patients. Also, SVR could accurately assess the efficacy of fluconazole for catheter-associated candidemia in critically ill patients.



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