Expectation of smart mentality and citizen participation in technology-driven cities

  • Feher, Katalin (Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences)
  • Received : 2019.10.10
  • Accepted : 2021.01.16
  • Published : 2021.03.25


The purpose of the paper is to investigate the expectations of smart mentality and citizen participation in technology-driven cities. 150 mainstream trend reports, white papers, and research summaries are analyzed in one corpus as business, governmental, and university research cooperations. The changing trends of the related academic literature frame the study. Keyword statistics, word pairs, content networks, and correlation matrix reveal the expected citizen participation. The most referenced top ten cities and their strategies support the understanding of the smart mentality behind the participation. According to the findings, open data, communities, collective participation, socio-technical engagement, and empowerment are the most expected human factors. Anonymity, neighborhood-based implementations, and temporary human roles are underrepresented in the corpus, as well as the privacy concerns and ethical issues. However, the emerging AI technology and the interpretative metaphors with rainforest, team player, and public agora urge a focus also on these indicators with a contribution of citizen engagement. The paper provides governmental policymaking and the academic research of technology-driven cities with a citizen-centric and complex summary.



This paper has been written with the support and within the framework: KOFOP 2.1.2 - VEKOP - 15-2016-00001 Public Service Development for Establishing Good Governance: The Digital Governance and Research Program. Many thanks for the methodological support to ifj. Istvan Boros working at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. During the process of review and publishing, the author has become a Fulbright Research Fellow at Drexel University and Bolyai Research Fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to continue her work in research of socio-cultural AI.


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