이 논문은 충북대학교 국립대학육성사업(2020)지원을 받아 작성되었음.
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center, 2015. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report of Korea, Ministry of Environment (in Korean).
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center, 2020. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report, Ministry of Environment (in Korean).
- Jo, G. S., 2012. Developing a combination model of agricultural machine for optimization GHG's based on LCA, Thesis of Master Course in Chungbuk National University (in Korean).
- Kim, S. H., 1994. A study on methodology and application of life cycle assessment, Thesis of Doctor Course in University of Seoul (in Korean).
- Kim, W. G., 2000. A study on the environmental load and the energy retrofit for reducing the energy use in an office building, Thesis of Master Course in Kwangwoon University (in Korean).
- Kim, Y. M., 2021. Life cycle assessment of rural community buildings using OpenLCATM DB, Master Course in Chungbuk National University (in Korean).
- Lee, S. S., J. W. Kim, and C. K. Lee, 2012. Effects of air pollution on the decline of Pinus thunbergii forest in urban industrial area, Jounal of Agriculture and Life Science 46(3): 1-10 (in Korean).
- Lee, Y. K., J. G. Han, and S. H. Kwon, 2018. A study on the evaluation of environmental load based on LCA using BIM - focused on the case of NATM tunnel -, Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 38(3): 477-485 (in Korean).
- Park, M. L., J. M. Choi, and J. H. Lee, 2018. A study on the analysis of energy performance for zero-energy building of rural village hall - focused on the Jung Juk 4-le village hall -, Journal of The Korean Institute of Rural Architecture 16(4): 1-8 (in Korean).
- Yoo, J. H., and K. H. Kim, 2010. Application of LCA methodology on lettuce cropping systems in protected cultivation, Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer, 43(5): 705-715 (in Korean).