본 연구는 2018학년도 경기대학교 학술연구비(일반) 지원에 의하여 수행되었음
- P. Dechow. (1994). Accounting earnings and cash flows as measures of firm performance: The role of accounting accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics 18: 3-42
- J. Jones. (1991). Earnings management during import relief investigations. Journal of Accounting Research 29, 193-228.
- P. Dechow, G. Sloan, and A. Sweeney. (1995). Detecting earnings management. The Accounting Review 70 (2): 193-225.
- M. Erickson, S. Wang. (1999). Earnings management by acquiring firms in stock for stock mergers. Journal of Accounting and Economics 27(2): 149-176.
- M. Lang, J. Raedy, W. Wilson. (2006). Earnings management and cross listing: Are reconciled earnings comparable to US earnings? Journal of Accounting and Economics 42 (1-2): 255-283.
- D. A. Cohen, A. Dey, T. Z. Lys. (2008). Real and accrual-based earnings management in the pre-and post-Sarbanes-Oxley periods. The accounting review 83(3), 757-787.
- H. J. Moon. (2017). A Comparison of Earnings Quality Between KOSPI Firms and KOSDAQ Firms. Journal of Digital Convergence 15(1), 129-141.
- J. H. Back, J. S. Choi. (2017). The Effect of Transaction to the Related-party on the Earnings Management by Considering Controlling Shareholders Ownership, Journal of Digital Convergence 15(1), 209-216.
- D. I. KIM. (2020). Analysis of the Relationship between the Initial Public Offering Process and Earnings Management-Focusing on SSE-listed SMEs of China. Journal of Digital Convergence 18(12), 243-249.
- I. Dichev, and V. Tang. (2008). Matching and the changing properties of accounting earnings over the last 40 years. Journal of Accounting and Economics 39(1): 163-197.
- D. Givoly., and C. Hayn. (2000). The changing time-series properties of earnings, cash flows and accruals: Has financial reporting become more conservative? Journal of Accounting and Economics 29: 287-329.
- A. Srivastava. (2014). Why have measures of earnings quality changed over time? Journal of Accounting and Economics, 57, 196-217.
- S. Kothari, , A. Leone, and C. E. Wasley. (2005). Performance matched discretionary accrual measures. Journal of Accounting and Economics 39(1): 163-197.
- S. M. Kim & Y. J. Kim. (2020). Research Trend Analysis on Living Lab Using Text Mining. Journal of Digital Convergence, 18(8), 37-48
- J. Y. Kim, H. S. Na & K. H. Park. (2021). Topic Modeling of Profit Adjustment Research Trend in Korean Accounting. Journal of Digital Convergence 18(12), 125-139.