Structural behavior of concrete walls reinforced with ferrocement laminates

  • Shaheen, Yousry B.I. (Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Menoufia University) ;
  • Refat, Hala M. (Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Benha University) ;
  • Mahmoud, Ashraf M. (Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI))
  • 투고 : 2019.11.05
  • 심사 : 2021.04.06
  • 발행 : 2021.05.25


The present work focuses on experimental and numerical performance of the ferrocement RC walls reinforced with welded steel mesh, expanded steel mesh, fiber glass mesh and tensar mesh individually. The experimental program comprised twelve RC walls having the dimensions of 450 mm×100 mm×1000 mm under concentric compression loadings. The studied variables are the type of reinforcing materials, the number of mesh layers and volume fraction of reinforcement. The main aim is to assess the influence of engaging the new inventive materials in reinforcing the composite RC walls. Non-linear finite element analysis; (NLFEA) was carried out to simulate the behavior of the composite walls employing ANSYS-10.0 Software. Parametric study is also demonstrated to check out the variables that can mainly influence the mechanical behavior of the model such as the change of wall dimensions. The obtained numerical results indicated the acceptable accuracy of FE simulations in the estimation of experimental values. In addition, the strength gained of specimens reinforced with welded steel mesh was higher by amount 40% compared with those reinforced with expanded steel mesh. Ferrocement specimens tested under axial compression loadings exhibit superior ultimate loads and energy absorbing capacity compared to the conventional reinforced concrete one.



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