Analysis of Pest Prevention Packaging Cases in Preparation for Consumer Complaints Caused by Global Warming in the Product Distribution Process: Focusing on Poly Bag Packaging for Hygiene Products in Company A

  • Received : 2021.03.20
  • Accepted : 2021.04.19
  • Published : 2021.04.29


The present study was conducted to accomplish management efficiency by preparing preemptive measures for consumer dissatisfaction and overcome risks caused by Global Warming through studies of model cases in packaging. Through this study, we made it possible to find a way for companies to prepare for Global warming and consumer dissatisfaction. By contributing to eco-friendly packaging, we are trying to preemptively respond to recent major issues through packaging. Through this experiment, we tried to measure the degree of penetration of Plodia interpunctella H. larva into the insect repellent film produced by printing Ink containing a natural repellent. The control experiment was conducted with an untreated LDPE film to which no insect repellent was applied. The numbers decreased from 17 to 7 when the film was processed with repellent to show experimental results verifying effects of repellent by decrease in 10 (58.8% Decrease). Such results show that it is safe when the film is unfolded but in the case where the film is folded, the Plodia interpunctella H. punches through the film to lead to consumer dissatisfaction and it suggests that this can bring on risks to corporate management. Considering that most of the film is folded in the case of PE bag packaging, the direction which the corporations should take in terms of preparing for climate change countermeasures and consumer dissatisfaction has been clarified. Due to it receiving satisfactory results in safety rest results for printing film applied with pest repellent as well as the Quality analysis to test repellent contents of repellent film, it is certain that the importance of repellent method in packaging will increase in preparing for consumer dissatisfaction and actions against climate change henceforth.



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