Analysis of Festival Ordinances of Gyeonggi Province: Focusing on Developing A Representative Festival of Seongnam City

  • 투고 : 2021.03.30
  • 심사 : 2021.04.16
  • 발행 : 2021.03.31


Purpose: In Seongnam City, a number of festivals are held in various areas, led by the city and private organizations. The necessity of developing a representative festival of Seongnam City, which can enhance the brand value of Seongnam, a cultural city, and promote a sense of local community and economic effects, is emerging. The purpose of this study is to analyze festival-related ordinances of Gyeonggi-do local governments, and to derive implications necessary for the development of festival support ordinances representing Seongnam City. Research design, data, and methodology: This study used the database of National Legal Information Center of the Ministry of Legislation and the autonomous legal information system to thoroughly investigate the ordinances related to festival support of basic local governments in Gyeonggi-do and the whole country. To do this, descriptive statistics analysis was conducted. Results: As a result of the study, it was found that 168 organizations (68.6%) of 245 local governments nationwide have adopted the festival support ordinance, and there are a total of 231 ordinances. In the case of basic organizations, out of 228 basic organizations, 151 organizations, including Seongnam City, adopted the ordinance on festival support, showing an adoption rate of about 66%. As a result of analyzing the basic organizations that enacted representative festival related ordinances among Gyeonggi-do basic organizations, 9 out of 28 cities adopted 16 representative festival ordinances, based on the legal and institutional basis for supporting representative festivals. Conclusions: In the case of Seongnam City, it is believed that in order to develop a representative festival, an ordinance to support the representative festival must be established. Considerations regarding the composition of the ordinance for the representative festival were discussed.



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