With the development of information technology, the cybersecurity threat continues as digital-related technologies are applied to the instrumentation and control system of nuclear power plants. The malfunction of the instrumentation and control system can cause economic damage due to shutdown, and furthermore, it can lead to national disasters such as radioactive emissions, so countering cybersecurity threats is an important issue. In general, the study of cybersecurity in instrumentation and control systems is concentrated on safety systems, and diverse protection systems perform protection and reactor shutdown functions, leading to reactor shutdown or, in the worst case, non-stop situations. To accurately analyze cyber threats in the diverse protection system, its linked facilities should be analyzed together. Risk analysis should be conducted by analyzing the potential impact of inter-facility cyberattacks on related facilities and the impact of cybersecurity on each configuration module of the diverse protection system. In this paper, we analyze the linkage of the diverse protection system and discuss the cybersecurity linkage threat by analyzing the availability of equipment, the cyber threat impact of the linked equipment, and the configuration module's cybersecurity vulnerability.