CareMyDog: Pet Dog Disease Information System with PFCM Inference for Pre-diagnosis by Caregiver

  • 투고 : 2021.01.29
  • 심사 : 2021.03.08
  • 발행 : 2021.03.31


While the population of pet dogs and pet-related markets are increasing, there is no convenient and reliable tool for pet health monitoring for pet owners/caregivers. In this paper, we propose a mobile platform-based pre-diagnosis system that pet owners can use for pre-diagnosis and obtaining information on coping strategies based on their observations of the pet dog's abnormal behavior. The proposed system constructs symptom-disease association databases for 100 frequently observed diseases under veterinarian guidance. Then, we apply the possibilistic fuzzy C-means algorithm to form the "probable disease" set and the "doubtable disease" set from the database. In the experiment, we found that the proposed system found almost all diseases correctly, with an average of 4.5 input symptoms and outputs 1.5 probable and one doubtable disease on average. The utility of this system is to alert the owner's attention to the pet dog's abnormal behavior and obtain an appropriate coping strategy before consult a veterinarian.



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