Collapse Mechanism of Ordinary RC Shear Wall-Frame Buildings Considering Shear Failure Mode

전단파괴모드를 고려한 철근콘크리트 보통전단벽-골조 건물의 붕괴메커니즘

  • Chu, Yurim (TI Structural Engineers) ;
  • Kim, Taewan (Department of Architectural, Civil, and Environmental Engineering, Kangwon National University)
  • 추유림 (티아이구조기술사사무소) ;
  • 김태완 (강원대학교 건축.토목.환경공학부 건축공학전공)
  • Received : 2020.09.04
  • Accepted : 2020.10.14
  • Published : 2021.01.01


Most commercial buildings among existing RC buildings in Korea have a multi-story wall-frame structure where RC shear wall is commonly used as its core at stairways or elevators. The members of the existing middle and low-rise wall-frame buildings are likely arranged in ordinary details considering building occupancy, and the importance and difficulty of member design. This is because there are few limitations, considerations, and financial burdens on the code for designing members with ordinary details. Compared with the intermediate or unique details, the ductility and overstrength are insufficient. Furthermore, the behavior of the member can be shear-dominated. Since shear failure in vertical members can cause a collapse of the entire structure, nonlinear characteristics such as shear strength and stiffness deterioration should be adequately reflected in the analysis model. With this background, an 8-story RC wall-frame building was designed as a building frame system with ordinary shear walls, and the effect of reflecting the shear failure mode of columns and walls on the collapse mechanism was investigated. As a result, the shear failure mode effect on the collapse mechanism was evident in walls, not columns. Consequently, it is recommended that the shear behavior characteristics of walls are explicitly considered in the analysis of wall-frame buildings with ordinary details.



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