디지털 커스터마이징 자동화 기술 동향

Digital Customized Automation Technology Trends

  • 송은영 (한세대학교 섬유패션디자인학과)
  • 투고 : 2021.10.04
  • 심사 : 2021.11.24
  • 발행 : 2021.12.31


With digital technology innovation, increased data access and mobile network use by consumers, products and services are changing toward pursuing differentiated values for personalization, and personalized markets are rapidly emerging in the fashion industry. This study aims to identify trends in digital customized automation technology by deriving types of digital customizing and analyzing cases by type, and to present directions for the development of digital customizing processes and the use of technology in the future. As a research method, a literature study for a theoretical background, a case study for classification and analysis of types was conducted. The results of the study are as follows. The types of digital customizing can be classified into three types: 'cooperative customization', 'selective composition and combination', 'transparent suggestion', and automation technologies shown in each type include 3D printing, 3D virtual clothing, robot mannequin, human automatic measurement program, AR-based fitting service, big data, and AI-based curation function. With the development of digital automation technology, the fashion industry environment is also changing from existing manufacturing-oriented to consumer-oriented, and the production process is rapidly changing with IT and artificial intelligence-based automation technology. The results of this study hope that digital customized automation technology will meet various needs of personalization and customization and present the future direction of digital fashion technology, where fashion brands will expand based on the spread of digital technology.



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