본 연구는 2021년 세한대학교의 지원을 받아 수행되었습니다.
- Jeon, H. Y., "Overview and implication of domestic and overseas start-up companies", Hyundai Research Institute VIP Report, 654, 2016, pp.1-17.
- Kim, S. Y., Lee, B. C., and Kim, K. H., "Research on the influence of empowering leadership on followers' knowledge sharing and intrinsic motivation: Through trust on supervisors", Knowledge Management Research, 14(2), 2013, pp.89-116.
- Hong, I. K., and Baek, J. B. "Towards an effective assessment of safety culture", Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, 31(1), 2016, pp.118-125.
- Lee J. S., Kim K. W., Park, S. S., and Kang, W. J., "The effects of the commercial aircraft pilot's leadership and self-efficacy to their safety behavior", Journal of Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics, 22(1), 2014, pp.114-123.
- Clarke, S., "Safety leadership: A meta analyticreview of transformational and transactional leadership styles as antecedents of safety behaviors", Journal of Occupational Organizational Psychology. 86(1), 2013, pp.22-49.
- Kelloway, E. K. "Development and test of a model linking safety-specific transformational leadership and occupational safety", Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(3), 2002, pp.488-196.
- Barling, J., Weber, T., and Kelloway, E. K. "Effects of transformational leadership training on attitudinal and financial outcomes: A field experiment", Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, 1996, pp.827-832.
- Judge, T. A., and Bono, J. E. "Five factor model of personality and transformational leadership", Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 2000, pp.751-765.
- Barling, J., Slater, F., and Kelloway, E. K., "Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence: an exploratory study", Leadership Organization Development Journal, 21(3), 2000, pp.157-161.
- Conchie, S. M., Moon, S., and Duncan, M., "Super visors' engagement in safety leadership: Factors that help and hinder", Safety Science 51(1), 2013, pp.109-117.
- Demerouti, E., and Bakker, A. B., "The job demands resources model: Challenges for future research", South African Journal of Industrious Psychology, 37(2), 2011, pp.1-9.
- Cheung C. M., Zhang, R. P., Cui, Q., and Hsu S. C., "The antecedents of safety leadership: The job demands-resources model", Safety Science, 133, 2021, 104979.
- Wu, T. C., Chen, C. H., and Li, C. C., "A correlation among safety leadership, safety climate and safety performance", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 21(3), 2008, pp.307-318.
- Wu, T. C., "The validity and reliability of safety leadership scale in universities of Taiwan", International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education, 2(1), 2005, pp. 27-42.
- Wu, T. C., "Safety leadership in the teaching laboratories of electrical and electronic engineering departments at Taiwanese Universities", Journal of Safety Research, 39, 2008, pp.599-607.
- Kang, T. L., Su, G. J., Jang, S. S., and Sheu, S. C., "The development of leadership behavior scale for directors of technological and vocational schools in Taiwan", Human Resource Management, 1(3), 2001, pp.43-57.
- Lu, C. S., and Yang C. S., "Safety leadership and safety behavior in container terminal operations", Safety Science, 48, 2010, pp. 123-134.
- Simard, M., and Marchand, A., "Workgroups' propensity to comply with safety rules: The influence of micro-macro organizational factors", Ergonomics 40(2), 1997, pp.127-188.
- Zohar, D., "The effects of leadership dimensions, safety climate, and assigned priorities on minor injuries in work groups", Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, 2002, pp.75-92.
- Wu, T. C., Chen, C. H., and Li, C. C., "Correlation among safety leadership, safety climate and safety performance", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 6(3) 2007, pp.261-272.