A Study on Improvement of Aeronautical Study System for Potential Obstacles in the Vicinity of Aerodromes

공항 주변 잠재적 장애물에 대한 항공학적 검토 제도 개선 연구

  • Received : 2021.06.01
  • Accepted : 2021.12.28
  • Published : 2021.12.31


Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) are set to protect a certain amount of airspace to limit objects, such as building, other structures, penetrating OLS for safety and regularity of aircraft operations in the vicinity of aerodromes. However, many civil petitions have been raising for effective utilization of lands and permission of building construction which penetrating OLS. While Republic of Korea are limiting installation of penetrating objects based on the National law of airport facilities, such objects are possibly permitted, only if, the possible risks coming from objects are acceptable or negligible in terms of safety and regularity in aircraft operations through the evaluation process, called as an aeronautical study. However, many countries are currently applying their own criteria, processes resulting in failing secure reliable results in aeronautical study. This research aims to establish the framework on criteria, process, and methodologies how the aeronautical study works including work flows between many stakeholder and responsibilities to be specified in national regulation system.



  1. Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, "Republic of Korea law No17689", Airport Facilities Act, 2021.
  2. Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, "Policy Briefing",
  3. Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, "Republic of Korea Law No14114", Aviation Act, 2013.
  4. FAA, "Code of Federal Regulation PART 77-Safe, Efficient Use and Preservation of the Navigable Airspace", 2021.
  5. FAA, "JO 7400.2K-Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters", 2014.
  6. FAA, "Obstruction Evaluation/Airport Airspace Analysis",
  7. Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, "Regulation No2018-511", 2018.
  8. Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, "Regulation No918", 2017.
  9. Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, "Regulation No2018-267", 2018.
  10. Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, "Republic of Korea Law No618", Airport Facilities Act, 2019.