본 연구는 2020년 병원간호사회에서 연구비를 지원받아 진행한 연구임.
- Hong KJ, Cho SH. Comparison of nursing workforce supply and employment in South Korea and other OECD countries. Perspectives in Nursing Science. 2017;14(2):55-63.
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- Copanitsanou P, Fotos N, Brokalaki H. Effects of work environment on patient and nurse outcomes. British Journal of Nursing. 2017;26(3):172-176.
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- Jeon KB, Park MH. Relationship of ICU nurses' difficulties in end-of-life care to moral distress, burnout and job satisfaction. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration. 2019; 25(1):42-51.
- Kramer M, Hafner LP. Shared values: Impact on staff nurse job satisfaction and perceived productivity. Nursing Research. 1989;38(3):172-177.
- Aiken LH, Patrician PA. Measuring organizational traits of hospitals: The revised nursing work index. Nursing Research. 2000;49(3):146-153.
- Kramer M, Schmalenberg C. Development and evaluation of essentials of magnetism tool. Journal of Nursing Adiministration. 2004;34(7-8):365-378.
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- Cho EH, Choi MN, Kim EY, Yoo IY, Lee NJ. Construct validity and reliability of the Korean version of the practice environment scale of nursing work index for Korean nurses. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 2011;41(3):325-332.
- Park SH, Kang JY. Development and psychometric evaluation of the Korean nursing work environment scale. Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing. 2015;8(1):50-61.
- Jo SO, Oh JA. Validity and reliability of the Korean version of a tool to measure uncivil behavior in clinical nursing education. Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education. 2016;22(4):537-548.
- Park HS, Gang EH. A study on job stress and the coping of ICU nurses. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 2007;37(5):810-821.
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- Kang HC. A guide on the use of factor analysis in the assessment of construct validity. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 2013;43(5):587-594.
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- Jahng SM. Best practices in exploratory factor analysis for the development of the Likert-type scale. Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2015;34(4):1079-1100.
- Seo WJ, Lee SM, Kim JJ. Exploratory factor analysis in psychological research: Current status and suggestions for methodological improvements. Journal of Social Science. 2018;29(1): 177-193.
- Ko YJ. Development and evaluation of nursing work environment scale of clinical nurses (NWES-CN) [Dissertation]. Seoul.: Hanyang University; 2019. p. 1-148.
- Kim JK, Kim SY, Yu M, Kim MJ, Lee KA. Korean work environment scales for clinical nurses. Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2015;12(1):54-68.
- Choi JS, Boyle DK. Differences in nursing practice environment among US acute care unit types: A descriptive study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2014;51(11):1441-1449.
- Aiken LH, Cimiotti JP, Sloane DM, Smith HL, Flynn L, Neff DF. The effects of nurse staffing and nurse education on patient deaths in hospitals with different nurse work environments. Medical Care. 2011;49(12):1047.
- Lee JH, Song YS. Mixed method research investigating turnover intension with ICU nurses. Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing. 2020;27(2):153-163.