Background: This study aims to determine whether the new 6-year pharmacy curriculum is designed to help students in their career path based on the employment status of the current 2+4 pharmacy school graduates. Methods: An online survey was conducted to the pharmacists who graduated from Woosuk University College of Pharmacy between 2015 and 2021. The survey questions included the current employment status of the graduates and their feedback on the clinical pharmacy curriculum at Woosuk University. Results: There were a total of 104 graduates who responded to the survey out of 312 graduates of whom the school had current contact information. Most of the graduates are currently working in a community pharmacy (63.5%), followed by hospital pharmacy (27.9%) and pharmaceutical industry (4.8%). Although most graduates were satisfied with clinical pharmacy courses at our college, many thought there needs to be a reinforcement or improvement in the curriculum, including pharmacotherapy and pharmacy practice experiences as well as social pharmacy courses. Conclusion: Based on our study, clinical and social pharmacy are the courses that teach the knowledge and skills required in community and hospital pharmacy and yet, are most in need of improvement. As most graduates work in a community or hospital pharmacy, it is necessary to improve our pharmacy curriculum so that they can learn and demonstrate their clinical skills effectively.