Study of Modeling for Stock Food Material with Location Movement by the Communication Signal System

  • Received : 2021.11.30
  • Accepted : 2021.12.07
  • Published : 2021.12.31


We are invented the movement composition technique that is to check the food adjacent-package status of the wireless-management movement monitoring level (WMMML) on the movement monitoring communication system. The movement monitoring level condition by the movement monitoring communication system is formatted with the adjacent-package system. As to inspection a wireless RFID of the wireless RFID, we are found of the movement value with wireless RFID by the adjacent upper take form. The concept of movement monitoring level is formatted the reference of wireless-management level for composition signal by the movement package communication system. Further symbolizing a food composition of the WMMML of the medium-minimum in terms of the adjacent-package communication system, and the movement wireless RFID package that was the movement value of the far composition of the Mo-MMCS-FA-φMED-MIN with 5.80±1.20 units, that was the movement value of the convenient composition of the Mo-MMCS-CO-φMED-MIN with 4.06±(-0.04) units, that was the movement value of the flank composition of the Mo-MMCS-MO-φMED-MIN with 0.91±0.07 units, that was the movement value of the vicinage composition of the Mo-MMCS-VI-φMED-MIN with 0.18±(-0.03) units. The adjacent package will be to look into at the food ability of the adjacent-package communication system with wireless RFID by the movement monitoring level on the WMMML that is supply the wireless communication by the movement monitoring level system. We will be possible to make effort of a communication system by the management signal and to put to use of the delivery data of RFID level by the delivery system.



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