Robust Design Methodology for Utility Dependent Design Attributes

효용 종속인 설계 속성의 강건설계

  • Kim, Kyung-Mo (School of Industrial Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technoloy)
  • 김경모 (금오공과대학교 산업공학부)
  • Received : 2021.09.23
  • Accepted : 2021.10.19
  • Published : 2021.12.31


The ever-growing demand for enhanced competitiveness of engineered systems require designing in quality strategies that can efficiently incorporate multiple design attributes into a system. In a robust design, there must be consideration for any uncontrollable factors that should not be disregarded in the design process. Studies on multi-attribute design challenges usually assume mutual utility independence amongst the design attributes. However, mutual utility independence does not exist in every design situation. In this study, a new robust design methodology that has two utility-dependent attributes are presented. The proposed method was then compared with a traditional robust design that utilizes a wave soldering process design. The results of this case study indicate that the proposed method yields a better solution than the traditional method.



본 연구는 금오공과대학교 교수연구년제에 의하여 연구된 실적물


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