Geodetic monitoring on onshore wind towers: Analysis of vertical and horizontal movements and tower tilt

  • Canto, Luiz Filipe C. (Departament of Cartographic Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Academico Helio Ramos Avenue) ;
  • de Seixas, Andrea (Departament of Cartographic Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Academico Helio Ramos Avenue)
  • 투고 : 2021.05.23
  • 심사 : 2021.09.21
  • 발행 : 2021.12.25


The objective of this work was to develop a methodology for geodetic monitoring on onshore wind towers, to ascertain the existence of displacements from object points located in the tower and at the foundation's base. The geodesic auscultation was carried out in the Gravatá 01 and 02 wind towers of the Eólica Gravatá wind farm, located in the Brazilian municipality of Gravatá-PE, using a stable Measurement Reference System. To verify the existence of displacements, pins were implanted, with semi-spherical surfaces, at the bases of the towers being monitored, measured by means of high-precision geometric leveling and around the Gravatá 02 tower, concrete landmarks, iron rods and reflective sheets were implanted, observed using geodetic/topographic methods: GNSS survey, transverse with forced centering, three-dimensional irradiation, edge measurement method and trigonometric leveling of unilateral views. It was found that in the Gravatá 02 tower the average rays of the circular sections of the transverse welds (ST) were 1.8431 m ± 0.0005 m (ST01) and 1.6994 m ± 0.0268 m of ST22, where, 01 and 22 represent the serial number of the transverse welds along the tower. The average calculation of the deflection between the coordinates of the center of the circular section of the ST22 and the vertical reference alignment of the ST1 was 0°2'39.22" ± 2.83" in the Northwest direction and an average linear difference of 0.0878 m ± 0.0078 m. The top deflection angle was 0°8'44.88" and a linear difference of ± 0.2590 m, defined from a non-linear function adjusted by Least Squares Method (LSM).



The authors are grateful to Eolica Tecnologia for authorizing research on the towers of the wind farm in Gravata-PE and for offering technical support. The Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), through the Postgraduate Program in Geodetic Sciences and Geoinformation Technologies (PPGCGTG), for making available the Geodesy Laboratory (LAGEO) and Topography Laboratory (LATOP), as well as the concession of equipment and accessories. To Professor Dr. Silvio Jacks dos Anjos Garnes for providing the use of AstGeoTop software and students of the Postgraduate Program in Geodetic Sciences and Geoinformation Technologies (PPGCGTG), Leonardo Carlos Barbosa, Priscilla Helienay Oliveira do Nascimento Pestana and Welisson Jose dos Santos, and the student in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pernambuco, Italo Garcia Campos do Canto, who contributed to the geodetic surveys. To the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES) - Financing Code 001, for the financial support. To the Control and Monitoring of Settlements Research Project - Building under Construction of the Integrated Laboratory for Technology in Oil, Gas and Biofuels - LITPEG/CTG/UFPE processes no. 3076.040512/2015-15 and no. 23076.016133/2018-57.


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