Restoration of underwater images using depth and transmission map estimation, with attenuation priors

  • Jarina, Raihan A. (Faculty of Integrated Technologies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam) ;
  • Abas, P.G. Emeroylariffion (Faculty of Integrated Technologies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam) ;
  • De Silva, Liyanage C. (Faculty of Integrated Technologies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
  • Received : 2021.03.08
  • Accepted : 2021.09.03
  • Published : 2021.12.25


Underwater images are very much different from images taken on land, due to the presence of a higher disturbance ratio caused by the presence of water medium between the camera and the target object. These distortions and noises result in unclear details and reduced quality of the output image. An underwater image restoration method is proposed in this paper, which uses blurriness information, background light neutralization information, and red-light intensity to estimate depth. The transmission map is then estimated using the derived depth map, by considering separate attenuation coefficients for direct and backscattered signals. The estimated transmission map and estimated background light are then used to recover the scene radiance. Qualitative and quantitative analysis have been used to compare the performance of the proposed method against other state-of-the-art restoration methods. It has been shown that the proposed method can yield good quality restored underwater images. The proposed method has also been evaluated using different qualitative metrics, and results have shown that method is highly capable of restoring underwater images with different conditions. The results are significant and show the applicability of the proposed method for underwater image restoration work.



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