The Theoretical Calculations of Kinetic and Thermodynamics Parameters and Anharmonic Correction for the Related Reactions of NO3

  • Received : 2021.10.11
  • Accepted : 2021.11.02
  • Published : 2021.12.20


According to the transition state (TS) theory, Gaussian software and Yao and Lin (YL) method, the thermodynamics and kinetic data respectively were calculated, and anharmonic effect was considered for related reactions of NO3. The methods of calculating and fitting kinetic and thermodynamics parameters were provided by least square method and related equations in this paper. Notably, the fitted E of Arrhenius equation was close to the calculated barrier of related reaction by QCISD(T) method. Therefore, the kinetic fitting result can well express the physical meaning of E in Arrhenius equation. Besides, the conversion process and the reaction mechanism of NO3 were researched. For NO3, it seemed that its instability results from its easy reaction with other substances rather than the decompose reaction of itself.



As we all known, oxynitride (NOx) is one of air pollutants. It can pollute air environment firstly, next, it will harm human health, and even threaten human life.1,2 Due to the complexities of their formation and component, NOx are difficult to remove. And, the removal NOx is still the difficult problem in academia, especially in green, high effective and cost performance.37 In regard to NOx, nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen monoxide (NO2) are considering firstly, but in addition, nitrogen trioxide (NO3) is also one of the NOx. Its main mechanism of formative NO3 is that NO and NO2 are sequential oxidized.8 Because of its low concentration and short life span in flue gas, NO3 is less important than NO and NO2 for some researchers.8 However, numerous studies have shown that NO3 have strong oxidative properties.912 Even if the low concentration and low life span of NO3 in some working conditions, its strong oxidizing property cannot be ignored.9,10 Therefore, the study of NO3 cannot be ignored due to its high activity and strong oxidizing properties. Wang et al. conducted a related study on removal Hg by using O3. The principle is to oxidize Hg with an oxidizing agent, mainly utilizing the insoluble property of Hg and the soluble property of Hg2+.9,10 The results show that the O3 does not directly react with Hg (O3 is not the main oxidant for Hg), but first oxidizes NO and NO2 to form NO3 in succession, and then Hg is oxidized by NO3 to form Hg2+ (NO3 is the main oxidant for Hg). Therefore, the Hg is removed by absorption of Hg2+. It can be seen that NO3 has properties of strong oxidizing and plays an irreplaceable role in flue gas. In addition, NO3 is one of the important oxidizing groups in the atmospheric circulation. As a key species in the nighttime atmospheric chemical cycle, NO3 undertake the task of controlling the oxidation and removal of trace gases at night. The atmospheric chemical process at night plays key role in the chemical cycle of the entire atmospheric environment.8,12 According to above analysis, the related research on NO3 was indispensable. And related conversions of NO3 cannot be ignored, whether in working conditions of atmosphere or the exhaust gas.

However, owing to the properties of low concentration and short life span for NO3, related researches and accurate measurements by experimental means are difficult.8 Therefore, related calculations and reasonable predictions by theoretical means are extremely important. Besides, experimental means are limited by external conditions and related experiments can only be carried out under certain specific working conditions. It is possible to break these certain limitations by using theoretical calculations. And according to the calculations of multiple data, the relevant parameters for more working conditions are reasonably predicted. The temperature range of this work is 300-4000 K, which tries to cover as much as possible the macroscopic conditions of various NO3. And in order to make reasonable predictions for other working conditions, the kinetic parameters (A, n and E) were fitted.

In addition, on the one hand, for obtaining more exact A, n, E, the effect of anharmonicity is considered to the research of rate constants. The significance of anharmonic effect has been confirmed by experiment result of Schlag and Sandsmark.13 Then, the anharmonic effect was researched by more and more researchers.1420 At 2020, Felix Schmalz’s paper showed that kinetic parameters can be obviously influenced by anharmonic factor.21 Therefore, anharmonic correction is important and indispensable for kinetic parameters. On the other hand, thermodynamic parameters are calculated and fitted in this paper. In the future work, the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters can be used to numerical simulation.

Therefore, this research realized related reaction process, calculated related potential energy surface (PES), rate constant, fitted thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the obtained reactions NO3 with NO3, NO, NO2, N2O, ozone (O3), oxygen gas(O2), oxygen atom (O), nitrogen-atom (N), nitrogen (N2), hydrogen atom (H), super oxidation of hydrogen (HO2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl (OH) by TS theory and YL method. Then, the influence of anharmonic factor on the related reactions of NO3 was discussed.1820 Some research results had proven that the YL method was suitable for solving kinetic data and anharmonic effect.2226 The research of NO3 related reaction mechanism is not only conducive to describe the reaction process of removal or formative NOx, but also describe to atmospheric chemical process. Thereby, according to this research, related results can provide theoretical data for the related mechanism researches of NO3.


Ab initio Calculations

The ab initio calculations were accomplished by using Gaussian 09 and Gauss View 5.0 software. In this paper, the geometries, frequencies and related parameters respectively were calculated by 6-311++G(d,p) set with B3LYP (R1, R5-R11) or M062X (R2-R4) method, firstly. For anharmonic corrections, the B3LYP is most ideal function at pressent.27

However, this function is not suit to solve the reactions of NO3 with NO3, O3, and O2. M062X is the one of best functions for thermodynamic and kinetic calculation of maingroup combination.28,29

Next, intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) was achieved for verifying TS. At last, the single-point energy (SPE) was obtained by QCISD(T) method, and the related energy was corrected by zero-point energy (ZPE) for obtaining the more exact data. Therefore, related potential energy surfaces for calculated reactions in this paper can be obtained by SPE and ZPE.1820

Rate Constant and Anharmonic Correction

Based on the TS theory, for unimolecular reaction, the rate constant k(T) is:3035

\(\begin{aligned}k(T)=\frac{k_{b} T}{h} \frac{Q^{\ddagger}(T)}{Q(T)} e^{-\frac{E^{ \pm}}{k_{b} T}}\end{aligned}\)       (1)

where, T represents the reactive temperature, h and kb respectively is the Planck’s and Boltzmann’s constant, Q(T) and Q(T) respectively represents partition functions of reactant and TS, E represents the activation energy.

Similarly, k(T) of bimolecular reaction (such as C+D→E+F) is,

\(\begin{aligned}k(T)=\frac{k_{b} T}{h} \frac{Q^{\neq}(T)}{Q_{\mathrm{C}}(T) Q_{\mathrm{D}}(T)} e^{-\frac{E^{*}}{k_{b} T}}\end{aligned}\)       (2)

where, QC(T) and QD(T) respectively represents the partition function for reactants C and D. For partition function,

\(\begin{aligned}Q=\prod_{i}^{n} q_{i}\end{aligned}\)      (3)

Here, Q was calculated by using Morse oscillator (MO) potential. For MO, Q of i-th vibration mode is,

\(\begin{aligned}q_{i}=\sum_{n_{i}}^{n_{i}(m)} e^{-\beta E_{n i}}\end{aligned}\)       (4)

where, n represents the number of vibrational modes for reactant, β=1/(kbT), energy of i-th vibrational mode (Eni) is,

\(\begin{aligned}E_{n_{i}}=\left(n_{i}+\frac{1}{2}\right) \hbar \omega_{i}-x_{i}\left(n_{i}+\frac{1}{2}\right)^{2} \hbar \omega_{i}\end{aligned}\)       (5)

where wi is the frequency of i-th vibrational mode, \(\begin{aligned}\hbar=h / 2 \pi\end{aligned}\) and xi is the i-th anharmonic constant. Hence, according to above equations, rate constant and anharmonic correction can be achieved by this research. The details of derivation can be found in Refs. 18-20.

The Fitting Method

The Fitting of A, n and E. According to the Arrhenius equation, the expression with three parameters of rate constant is:24,3639

\(\begin{aligned}k=A T^{n} \exp \left(-\frac{E}{R T}\right)\end{aligned}\)       (6)

The three-parameter Arrhenius equation is also the most widely used for reaction mechanism at present.38,39 Where, the R is molar gas constant, A represents pre-exponential/frequency factor, E represents activation energy. n is the exponent of temperature, and it is commonly called as temperature exponent.

Based on the ordinary least squares:

\(\begin{aligned}m=\left(\sum_{1}^{i=z} y_{i}-f\left(x_{i}\right)\right)^{2}\end{aligned}\)       (7)

A, n, E of Arrhenius equation can be fitted. And, the kinetics parameters considering anharmonic and harmonic factor can be obtained, respectively.

The Calculating and Fitting of the Thermodynamic Parameters. The thermodynamic functions (standard state molar constant-pressure specific heat capacity (Cop), standard state molar enthalpies of formation (∆fHo) and standard state molar entropy (So)) in CHEMKIN are shown as follows,39

\(\begin{aligned}\frac{C_{p}^{\circ}}{R}=a_{1}+a_{2} T+a_{3} T^{2}+a_{4} T^{3}+a_{5} T^{4}\end{aligned}\)       (8)

\(\begin{aligned}\frac{\Delta_{f} H^{\circ}}{R T}=a_{1}+\frac{a_{2}}{2} T+\frac{a_{3}}{3} T^{2}+\frac{a_{4}}{4} T^{3}+\frac{a_{5}}{5} T^{4}+\frac{a_{6}}{T}\end{aligned}\)       (9)

\(\begin{aligned}\frac{S^{0}}{R}=a_{1} \ln T+a_{2} T+\frac{a_{3}}{2} T^{2}+\frac{a_{4}}{3} T^{3}+\frac{a_{5}}{4} T^{4}+a_{7}\end{aligned}\)       (10)

where a1-a7 respectively represent thermodynamic parameters. The thermodynamic functions in the form of least-squares coefficients for each reactant can be described as,40

\(\begin{aligned}\frac{C_{p}^{o}}{R}=\sum a_{i} T^{q_{i}}\end{aligned}\)       (11)

\(\begin{aligned}\frac{\Delta_{f} H^{\circ}}{R T}=\frac{\int C_{p}^{o} d T}{R T}\end{aligned}\)       (12)

\(\begin{aligned}\frac{S^{\circ}}{R}=\int \frac{C_{p}^{o}}{R T} d T\end{aligned}\)       (13)

where qi and ai represent the factors of least-squares, respectively. In this work, the fourth-order polynomial are used for coefficients of least-squares. Therefore, the values of a1-a7 are fitted by the least square idea. The details of derivation can be found in Ref. 24.24

Moreover, the value of Cop, So, H (enthalpy) of reactants can be worked out at different temperatures by Gaussian 09. ∆fHo can be got by H and as following conversions,41

\(\begin{aligned}\frac{v}{2} H_{2}(g)+\frac{u}{2} N_{2}(g)+O_{2}(g)=H v N u O_{2}(g)\end{aligned}\)       (14)

\(\begin{aligned}\begin{array}{l}\frac{v}{2} H_{2}(g)+\frac{u}{2} N_{2}(g)+O_{2}(g) \\ \stackrel{\Delta H_{1}}{\longrightarrow} v H(g)+u N(g)+2 O(g) \\ \stackrel{\Delta H_{2}}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{HvNuO}_{2}(g)\end{array}\end{aligned}\)       (15)

fHo298(HvNuO2(g)) = ∆H1 + ∆H2       (16)

∆H1 = v∆fHo298(H(g)) + u∆fHo298(N(g)) + 2∆fHo298 (O(g))       (17)

∆H2 = H298(HvNuO2(g)) - vH298(H(g)) - uH298(N(g)) - 2H298(O(g))       (18)

According to above equations, the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters can be worked out and fitted.


The Research of Reaction Mechanism and Analyzes of Anharmonic Effect

The Dissociation and Formation Reaction of NO3. For the dissociation reaction of NO3 (NO3→TS1→NO2+O, R1-1), the detailed dissociation process can be described as that the NO3 can directly cleave into NO2 and O via the transition state of TS1. As shown in the Fig. 1, the relative energies of the TS, reactant and products for this reaction was worked out at QCISD(T)/6-311++G** level. According to the obtained data, PES for NO3→TS1→NO2+O was drawn in the Fig. 1. Meanwhile, the configurations of reactant, TS and products were pasted into the figure. The decompose reaction was an endothermal process (37.77 kcal·mol-1), and its barrier was 42.67 kcal·mol-1. In other words, this reaction was not easy to occur because of the relatively high barrier. In addition, the related rate constants were calculated for this reaction from 300 K to 4000 K in the Fig. 2(a), and the rate constants were relatively slow. Therefore, the reaction of NO3→NO2+O was not easy to occur.

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Figure 1. The potential energy surfaces for R1 by QCISD(T) method.

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Figure 2. The rate constants of anharmonic and harmonic for R1 at 300-4000 K. And comparing of calculating rate constants and fitting Arrhenius equation. (a) R1-1, NO3→TS1→NO2+O, (b) R1-2, NO2+O→TS1→NO3.

On the contrary, as shown in the Fig. 1, the formation reaction of NO3 (NO2+O→TS1→NO3, R1-2) was low barrier (4.90 kcal·mol-1) and exothermic reaction (37.77 kcal·mol-1). Therefore, the NO3 was easy to form where existed NO2 and O. Next, the rate constants of R1-2 were calculated and shown in the figure 2(b) (calculated results (point), the fitting Arrhenius equations (line), the detailed illustration of the fitting results were in 3.2.). It can be seen that the harmonic (1.19×107 cm3·mol-1·s-1) and anharmonic (1.43×107 cm3·mol-1·s-1) rate constants all were 7 order of magnitudes at 300 K. With the increasing temperature, the rate constants were up. The harmonic rate constant (3.01×1013 cm3·mol-1·s-1) was greater than that anharmonic (7.71×1011 cm3·mol-1·s-1) 390 times at 4000 K. Therefore, as the raised temperature, the anharmonic effect of this reaction was more and more clear, and the anharmonic correction on rate constant was necessary, especially in high temperature range. Besides, the reaction can easily occur by obtaining rate constants. (In addition, this reaction may not be the only one for formation reaction of NO3, and the calculations of the related reactions will be accomplished in the future.)

Therefore, the formation NO3 was relatively easy and the dissociation NO3 was relatively difficult. However, relative results showed that the concentration of NO3 was low in related environment.10 Next, some bimolecular reactions referring to NO3 ((NO3+NO3, R2), (NO3+O3, R3), (NO3+O2, R4), (NO3+O, R5), (NO3+N, R6), (NO3+H, R7), (NO3+N2, R8), (NO3+HO2, R9), (NO3+H2O2, R10), (NO3+OH, R11)) were researched in this paper, respectively. The details were displayed as follows.

The Reaction of NO3+NO3. Concerning this reaction, owing to the high activity and strong oxidizing properties of NO3 in chemical reaction, NO3 can react with itself at the atmosphere of only NO3 existing. When two NO3 had collision, there was 11.23 kcal·mol-1 to be obtained through the three transition states (TS2a, TS2b and TS2c) and two intermediates (IM1 and IM2), 2NO2 and O2 will be generated as end products from the Fig. 3. By the way, some main configurations were stuck on the Fig. 3. Meanwhile, energy of 31.66 kcal·mol-1 will be released on this reaction process and they can provide power for others. It was to say that NO3 can be converted to NO2 and O2 within a certain period of time, as long as the environment can provide the energy of 11.23 kcal·mol-1. Moreover, the rate constant of R2 can be expressed by that TS2a. According to these calculated parameters, such as related energies and frequencies, rate constants were listed in the Fig. 4 (point). With the rising temperature, the anharmonic effect was more and more clear. To be specific, the harmonic (1.98×105 cm3·mol-1·s-1) and anharmonic (6.84×105 cm3·mol-1·s-1) rate constants were 5 order of magnitudes at 300 K. However, the anharmonic (3.52×1021 cm3·mol-1·s-1) and harmonic (1.15×1019 cm3·mol-1·s-1) rate constants differed from about 2 order of magnitudes at 4000 K. Besides, as shown in the Fig. 4, the rate constants obtained by this work were compared with others, and it can be seen that this calculation was reliable.4245

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Figure 3. The potential energy surfaces for R2 by QCISD(T) method.

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Figure 4. The rate constants of anharmonic and harmonic for R2 at 300-4000 K. And comparing of calculating rate constants and fitting Arrhenius equation.

Therefore, when two NO3 had collision, the NO3 will be easy to decompose. This may be one of reasons why low concentration and short life span of NO3 in flue gas.

The reaction of NO3+O3. Concerning this reaction, according to the Fig. 5, the relative energies of reactants, products, IM3, TS3a and TS3b had been calculated, respectively. By the way, some main configurations were stuck on the Fig. 5. The barrier of TS3a was 11.01 kcal·mol-1. Therefore, the reaction was relatively easy to occur. According to the method of rate-determining step, the whole rate constant can be expressed by the first step. In other words, the rate constant of R3 can be expressed by that of TS3a. From the obtained data by Gaussian, rate constants of TS3a were worked out in the Fig. 6 (point) at 298 K-4000 K. Besides, the result of Hjorth (6.02×102 cm3·mol-1·s-1) was shown in the Fig. 6 at 298 K.46 Similarly, the harmonic rate constant was 3.41×106 cm3·mol-1·s-1. Therefore, this calculation was reliable. Besides, the anharmonic rate constant (5.57×104 cm3·mol-1·s-1) differed from that harmonic about 2 order of magnitudes at 298 K, but the difference (anharmonic one was 2.11×1015 cm3·mol-1·s-1, harmonic one was 1.74×1020 cm3·mol-1·s-1) was about 5 order of magnitudes at 4000 K. Therefore, the anharmonic correction was necessary.

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Figure 5. The potential energy surfaces for R3-R5 by QCISD(T) method.

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Figure 6. The rate constants of anharmonic and harmonic for R3 at 300-4000 K. And comparing of calculating rate constants and fitting Arrhenius equation.

The Reaction of NO3+O2. Concerning this reaction, it was two-step reaction. As shown in the Fig. 5, the reaction process and PES which included the two reactants (NO3 and O2), two transition states (TS4a and TS4b), two products (NO2 and O3), and one intermediate (IM4) were displayed. From the obtained data, it can be seen that this reaction was an endothermic reaction and the whole reaction process needed the energy of 27.49 kcal·mol-1, and, the reaction of NO3 with O2 was not easy to occur rather than that NO2 with O3. According to the calculated parameters, rate constants were respectively worked out at 300-4000 K in the Fig. 7 (point). For the Fig. 7, with the increasing temperature, the rate constants and anharmonic effect all respectively were up, and the growth trends of rate constants were faster at the low temperature range than that at high temperatures. Therefore, the anharmonic correction was necessary.

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Figure 7. The rate constants of anharmonic and harmonic for R4 and R5 at 300-4000 K. And comparing of calculating rate constants and fitting Arrhenius equation.

The Reaction of NO3+O. From the Fig. 5, it was clear that NO3 combined with O to generate NO2 and O2 via the unique transition state of TS5 (NO3+O→TS5→NO2+O2), and the barrier of R5 was 3.58 kcal·mol-1. Moreover, it was an exothermal reaction and the energy of 35.34 kcal·mol-1 can be released. Therefore, the reaction of NO3 with O had a great influence on the related reaction of NO3. Moreover, the anharmonic and harmonic rate constants were obtained at 300-4000 K in the Fig. 7 (point). From the graph, it was clear that the harmonic rate constants were greater than that anharmonic one at identical temperature. And the harmonic rate constant (3.72×108 cm3·mol-1·s-1) was 8.44 times than that anharmonic one (4.41×107 cm3·mol-1·s-1) at 300 K, and the harmonic rate constant (1.11×1014 cm3·mol-1·s-1) was 7.94 times than that anharmonic one (1.40×1013 cm3·mol-1·s-1) at 4000 K. When the temperature was 700 K, the difference of anharmonic (8.50×109 cm3·mol-1·s-1) and harmonic rate constant (8.90×1010 cm3·mol-1·s-1) was 10.47 times what the maximum value was. It was to say that the anharmonic effect of this reaction was not very clear at the whole calculated temperatures and it was the most obvious at 700 K. Besides, the results can illustrate that the reaction of NO3 with O was easy to occur, and its rate constant was relatively high even in room temperature.

The Reaction of NO3+N. In terms of the reaction, NO3 with N reacted to form NO and O2 via TS6. Related details had been published previous article.47 The reaction process and potential energy surface were showed in the Fig. 8, and the rate constants of NO3 combined with N were listed in the Fig. 9. From the calculated results, the reaction can occur easily and provide a lot heat for others. In another aspect, the anharmonic correction on rate constant of this reaction was necessary and cannot be neglected, especially at high temperatures.

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Figure 8. The potential energy surfaces for R6-R7 by QCISD(T) method.

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Figure 9. The rate constants of anharmonic and harmonic for R6 and R7 at 300-4000 K. And comparing of calculating rate constants and fitting Arrhenius equation.

The Reaction of NO3+H. For this reaction process, the Fig. 8 had shown the detailed PES and related energies. NO3 with H reacted to form IM5 by the reaction channel of TS7a firstly, and then IM5 was cracked into NO2 and OH by the reaction channel of TS7b. These two reaction channels all were low barriers and exothermal reactions. The barriers respectively were 11.92 kcal·mol-1 and 6.26 kcal·mol-1 for the reaction channel of TS7a and TS7b, and the whole reaction process will release the energy of 56.44 kcal·mol-1. Therefore, this reaction can occur easily. According to the method of rate-determining step, the rate constant of R7 can be represented by that TS7a. As shown in the Fig. 9 (point), the rate constants were worked out. As the temperature raised, the rate constants and anharmonic effect were up. The harmonic rate constant (1.13×1012 cm3·mol-1·s-1) was about 4 times than that anharmonic one (4.12×1012 cm3·mol-1·s-1) at 4000 K. Therefore, the anharmonic correction cannot be neglected especially at high temperatures. Besides, from the relative energy and rate constant, the reaction was easy to occur.

The Reaction of NO3+N2. For the reaction process of NO3+N2, as shown in the Fig. 10, NO3 with N2 reacted to form NO2 and N2O via TS8, and the barriers was 59.86 kcal·mol-1. Besides, the whole reaction process needed energy of 11.62 kcal·mol-1. In view of above data, the reaction of NO3 with N2 was difficult to occur. The similar conclusion can be obtained from the calculated rate constants. As shown in the Fig. 11 (point), the rate constants were relatively slow especially at low temperature range. It seemed that NO3 cannot react with N2 at low 1000 K. However, the high-temperature research of this reaction was necessary. Clearly, as the temperature increased, the rate constants were rising, and they were more than 10 orders of magnitude at above 2000 K.

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Figure 10. The potential energy surfaces for R8-R10 by QCISD (T) method.

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Figure 11. The rate constants of anharmonic and harmonic for R8 and R9 at 300-4000 K. And comparing of calculating rate constants and fitting Arrhenius equation.

The Reaction of NO3+HO2. In term of the reaction, the PES was shown in the Fig. 10, which included the two reactants, one intermediate (IM6), two products and two transition states. The barriers respectively were 53.04 kcal·mol-1 and 24.66 kcal·mol-1 for the reaction channel of TS9a and TS9b. Similarly, the rate constant of R9 can be expressed by that TS9a. Therefore, the rate constants were obtained by related parameters in the Fig. 11 (point). It was clear that the anharmonic effects and rate constants were up as the temperature increased. Specifically, the anharmonic (1.35×10-26 cm3·mol-1·s-1) and harmonic (2.15×10-25 cm3·mol-1·s-1) rate constants were close at 298 K, but there had visible distinctions (3 orders of magnitude) between harmonic (7.73×1016 cm3·mol-1·s-1) and anharmonic (9.78×1013 cm3·mol-1·s-1) rate constants at 4000 K. Therefore, for this reaction, the anharmonic correction was noteworthy especially at high temperature range.

The Reaction of NO3+H2O2. For the reaction of NO3 with H2O2, the reactants directly reacted to generate the products of HNO3 and HO2 via TS10. The reaction process, related energies and potential energy surface were shown as the Fig. 10. The 14.59 kcal·mol-1 of energy can be released to help others occurring on the reaction process. Meanwhile, the barrier of this exothermic reaction was 10.82 kcal·mol-1. According to the calculated barrier and frequencies, anharmonic and harmonic rate constants were displayed in the Fig. 12 (point). Clearly, as the temperature increased, the difference between anharmonic and harmonic rate constants was up. In other words, the anharmonic effect was clear. On the basis of calculated data, the difference between harmonic (8.15×1018 cm3·mol-1·s-1) and anharmonic (6.44×1014 cm3·mol-1·s-1) rate constant reached 4 orders of magnitude at 4000 K. Even when the temperature was 298 K, the harmonic (1.49×106 cm3·mol-1·s-1) rate constant differed from that anharmonic (1.10×105 cm3·mol-1·s-1) one by 1 order of magnitude. Therefore, the anharmonic correction cannot be ignored for this reaction. Besides, owing to the relatively low barrier for the exothermic reaction, the rate constant was relatively high. Therefore, the reaction of NO3 with H2O2 had a significant influence on the whole conversion process of NO3 and its anharmonic correction cannot be neglected. Besides, the rate constant of Burrows was drawn in the Fig. 15.48

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Figure 12. The rate constants of anharmonic and harmonic for R10 at 300-4000 K. And comparing of calculating rate constants and fitting Arrhenius equation.

The Reaction of NO3+OH. Concerning this reaction, the NO3 combined with OH to form NO2+HO2 (R11-1) and HNO3+O (R11-2) via TS11a and TS11b, respectively. The detailed reaction process, related energies and PES was shown and drawn in the Fig. 13. For R11-1, the barrier was 26.26 kcal·mol-1 and the energy of 15.01 kcal·mol-1 can be released. But for R11-2, the barrier was 12.37 kcal·mol-1 and the energy of 1.92 kcal·mol-1 can be released on this reaction process. Therefore, R11-2 was relatively easy to occur and it was the main reaction for R11. According to these obtained data, anharmonic and harmonic rate constants of the two reaction channels were worked out and shown in the Fig. 14 (point). With the increasing temperature, the rate constants all were up. And, the anharmonic rate constant of R11-2 was greater than that of R11-1 at arbitrary calculated temperature. It was to say that R11-2 was the main reaction for R11. Besides, the anharmonic effect of R11-2 was more and more clear as the temperature increased. The anharmonic (8.17×1017 cm3·mol-1·s-1) and harmonic (1.92×1016 cm3·mol-1·s-1) rate constants differed about 43 times at 4000 K. Therefore, the anharmonic correction was necessary for R11.

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Figure 13. The potential energy surfaces for R11 by QCISD(T) method.

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Figure 14. The rate constants of anharmonic and harmonic for R11 at 300-4000 K. And comparing of calculating rate constants and fitting Arrhenius equation.

The Fitting of Kinetic Parameters

According to above results, as shown in the Table 1, A, n, and E of related reactions were respectively fitted through anharmonic and harmonic rate constants. As shown in related figures (2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14) of rate constants, fitting kinetic equations (line) were drawn on related figures and compared with corresponding calculated rate constant (point), the results showed that the fitting Arrhenius equations were well agreement with the calculated results. Therefore, the fitted method of kinetic was reliable in this paper. Notably, the fitted E was close to the calculated barrier of related reaction by ab initio calculations. Such as the reaction of R2-1, its calculated barrier was 4.90 kcal·mol-1 by QCISD(T) method and fitted E respectively was 5.12 kcal·mol-1 and 4.43 kcal·mol-1 through anharmonic and harmonic rate constants. Therefore, the fitting result can well express the physical meaning of E in Arrhenius equation. Besides, owing to the existing of anharmonic effect, the harmonic and anharmonic kinetic parameters had some difference. In order to ensure the fitting accuracy, the fitted A and n by anharmonic and harmonic rate constants were different for same reaction. It meant that the anharmonic correction on rate constant cannot be ignored.

Table 1. The fitted three kinetics parameters by calculating anharmonic and harmonic rate constants

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The Calculating Thermodynamics Data and Fitting a1-a7

Cop and So can be directly got by Gaussian software, however, ∆fHo were worked out by related equation and the obtained H. According to the equation (16), and the ∆fHo of stable elementary substance were zero. Therefore, for H2, N2 and O2, ∆fHo298 (enthalpies of formation at 298 K) all were zero. Therefore, ∆fHo298 for H(g), N(g), O(g) can be worked out. In this paper, several methods (B3LYP, M062X, CBS-QB3 and G4) were used to calculate and compare ∆fHo298 for an elementary substance in the Table 2. Meanwhile, the calculating results were compared with other data.49,50 According to the comparing, the results of B3LYP were used to calculate ∆fHo. Therefore, ∆fHo298 for H(g), N(g), O(g) were 52.2035, 111.0977 and 59.0954 kcal·mol-1. Then, ∆fHo of reactant at different temperatures was worked out by the corresponding expressions. Therefore, Cop, So and ∆fHo were calculated at temperatures 300 K-4000 K by Gaussian software and related equations in the Figs. 15-17, respectively.

Table 2. Enthalpies of formation for gaseous atoms by different method at 298.15 K, and comparing the calculating value with other researches (unit: kcal·mol-1)

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Figure 15. The comparing of calculating Cop, fitting results of thermodynamic equation and related data of other researches for O, O2, O3, N, N2, NO3, H, OH, HO2 and H2O2, respectively.

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Figure 16. The comparing of calculating So, fitting results of thermodynamic equation and related data of other researches for O, O2, O3, N, N2, NO3, H, OH, HO2 and H2O2, respectively.

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Figure 17. The comparing of calculating ∆fHo, fitting results of thermodynamic equation and related data of other researches for O, O2, O3, N, N2, NO3, H, OH, HO2 and H2O2, respectively.

Then, in order to verify the obtained value of Cop, So and ∆fHo, related calculated results were compared with other researches5056 in the Figs. 15-17, respectively. Such as Cop, related value of O, O2, O3, N, N2, NO3, H2O2, HO2, H and OH, were listed in Fig. 15(a-g) and compared with other references, respectively. From these figures, it can be seen that corresponding results of Cop were different in different mechanisms for the same species. The accuracy of related thermodynamic data in other mechanisms was not discernable. Therefore, related thermodynamic data were worked out in this paper, and the calculating results were basically in agreement for most species.

Next, according to the obtained thermodynamics data, a1-a7 of related species were fitted through thermodynamics equations and least square method in the Table 3. Notably, owing to the temperature partition of input thermodynamics files by CHEMKIN, the fitted temperatures were divided into 300-1000 K and 1000-4000 K.

Table 3. The fitted thermodynamic parameters of related species through calculated So, ∆fHo and Cop at different temperature ranges

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Finally, in order to verify fitted thermodynamic equations, related fitted equations (line) were compared with calculated data (point) and drawn on the Figs. 15-17, respectively. From these figures, it was clear that the fitting and calculating results were basically in agreement. Therefore, the fitted method of thermodynamics parameters was reliable in this paper.


According to above results and discussions, the following conclusions can be obtained,

(1) The method of calculating and fitting kinetic parameters were provided in this paper. The fitting equations were well agreement with the calculated results. Therefore, the fitted methods were reliable. Notably, the fitted E was close to the calculated barrier of related reaction by QCISD(T) method. Therefore, the fitting result can well express the physical meaning of E in Arrhenius equation.

(2) The method of calculating and fitting thermodynamics parameters was provided in this paper. According to the thermodynamics calculations, the thermodynamics parameters (a1-a7) of related species were respectively fitted through related data. The fitting equations were well agreement with the calculated results. Therefore, the fitted methods were reliable. Besides, according to calculation by this work, ∆fHo298 for H(g), N(g), O(g) were 52.2035, 111.0977 and 59.0954 kcal·mol-1, respectively.

(3) The reaction of NO3→NO2+O was not easy to occur because it was relatively high barrier and endothermic reaction. On the contrary, the reaction of NO2+O→NO3 was easy to occur because it was relatively low barrier and exothermic reaction. Therefore, the formation of NO3 was relatively easy and the dissociation of NO3 was relatively difficult in this paper. Why does NO3 have the property of low concentration and short life span in flue gas? There were two possible reasons. One was that when two NO3 had collision, the NO3 will be easy to decompose. The other was that NO3 can easily react with others and most of the bimolecular reactions were exothermic reaction process in this paper. According to above calculations, NO3 with O, O3, N, H, NO3, HO2, H2O2 and OH were relatively low barriers, high-rate constants and exothermic reactions. Therefore, these reactions had a significant influence for the conversion process of NO3. All in all, for NO3, it seemed that its instability results from its easy reaction with other substances rather than the decompose reaction of itself.

(4) The anharmonic correction for related reactions of NO3 was significant, especially at high temperatures. Notably, the anharmonic effect for the reactions of NO3 with O2, O3, N, N2, NO3, HO2, H2O2 and OH was very obvious and cannot be ignored.


This work was supported by the Major Research plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.91441132). Publication cost of this paper was supported by the Korean Chemical Society.


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