Recent Spatial and Temporal Trends of Malaria in Korea

  • Kim, Yeong Hoon (Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Ahn, Hye-Jin (Department of Parasitology, College of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Kim, Dongjae (Department of Biomedicine Health Science, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Hong, Sung-Jong (Convergence Research Center for Insect Vectors, Incheon National University) ;
  • Kim, Tong-Soo (Convergence Research Center for Insect Vectors, Incheon National University) ;
  • Nam, Ho-Woo (Department of Parasitology, College of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea)
  • Received : 2021.11.28
  • Accepted : 2021.11.30
  • Published : 2021.12.31


This study was done to provide an analytical overview on the latest malaria infection clusters by evaluating temporal trends during 2010-2019 in Korea. Incheon was the most likely cluster (MLC) for all cases of malaria during the total period. MLCs for P. falciparum, vivax, malariae, ovale, and clinically diagnosed malaria without parasitological confirmation were Jeollanam-do, Incheon, Gangwon-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Jeollabuk-do, respectively. Malaria was decreasing in most significant clusters, but Gwangju showed an increase for all cases of malaria, P. vivax and clinically diagnosed cases. Malaria overall, P. falciparum and P. vivax seem to be under control thanks to aggressive health measures. This study might provide a sound scientific basis for future control measures against malaria in Korea.



I dedicate this study to my late father Han Doo Kim, who has made me what I am today, and who with his intense curiosity for all things, taught me to strive for knowledge above all. This study was supported by a research grant from the Korean Association of Health Promotion (No. 2015-01), Republic of Korea.


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