Blockchain Based Energy Trading Technology for the Community

커뮤니티형 블록체인 기반 에너지 거래 기술 동향

  • Published : 2020.12.01


This article explains domestic and overseas technology trends as well as an energy trading architecture model that can safely execute energy power trading through blockchain in the community. There is a way to trade energy between homes as well as between homes and the public in the community, but there are currently no institutions that make this possible. However, our aim is to approach these power trading methods collectively through global technology related to blockchain. We try to solve the problems of energy trading using the blockchain technique. We discuss domestic and overseas technology trends in power trading using blockchain and introduce the power trading architecture for the community proposed by ETRI. We propose a framework that supports reliability and interoperability based on blockchain and develop scalable technology capable of supporting not only small-scale electricity trading but also medium-scale power trading.



본 논문은 산업통상자원부 광역협력권산업육성사업으로 지원된 연구임[P0002137].


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