ETRI AI 실행전략 5: AI 전문인력 양성

ETRI AI Strategy #5: Nurturing AI Professionals

  • 발행 : 2020.12.01


As artificial intelligence (AI) technology becomes more important, the demand for AI talent is increasing. However, there is a shortage of AI talent around the world, and it is difficult to secure. Therefore, it has become more important to nurture the AI workforce. The private sector and government in Korea and other countries are making an effort to cultivate AI talent, and ETRI has proposed "Nurturing AI Professionals" as ETRI AI Strategy #5 to meet both internal and national demands for AI talent. ETRI has suggested three key tasks to implement AI Strategy #5. The first one is to create a "top-notch AI talent training project: the ETRI AI Academy" to strengthen AI research capabilities. The second one is "nurturing AI engineers specialized in local-based industries: the ETRI AI Business School" to help supply the necessary AI workforce in the industry. The third one is the "contribution to AI education service for people: ETRI AI Literacy" to raise the public's understanding and utilization of AI.



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