조선해양산업과 정보통신기술 융합 동향에 따른 표준화 현황

Standardization Status in Maritime Industry Domain and ICT Convergence Trends

  • 발행 : 2020.06.01


In the maritime industry, the convergence of information and communication technology (ICT) occurs in two areas. The first one is the convergence of e-navigation technology to apply ICT to the maritime domain. This was led by EU's initiative and is also being promoted in our country. The other one is the convergence of autonomous ship technology to apply various ICT technologies for commercial purposes. This initiative is being led by maritime industries. In this paper, we describe trends of e-navigation and maritime autonomous surface ship technology convergence. Subsequently, we explain the standardization status of performance and technical standard bodies, international standardization organizations, and related standard-developing organizations to provide the interoperability of these technologies. Finally, we examine ongoing projects in Korea and suggest future directions for their R&D and standardization.



본 연구는 한국전자통신연구원 연구운영비지원사업의 일환으로 수행되었음[20ZS1200, 인간 중심의 자율지능시스템 원천기술 연구].


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