에비안스-함베르크 스트레칭이 뒤넙다리근 단축이 있는 성인의 근긴장도 및 유연성에 미치는 영향

The Effectiveness of Evjenth-Hamberg Stretching with regards to Muscle Tone and Flexibility in Adults with Hamstring Tightness

  • 도현호 (건양대학교병원 물리치료실) ;
  • 천승철 (건양대학교 물리치료학과)
  • Do, Hyun-Ho (Department of Physical Therapy, Konyang University Hospital) ;
  • Chon, Seung-Chul (Department of Physical Therapy, Konyang University)
  • 투고 : 2020.09.14
  • 심사 : 2020.10.21
  • 발행 : 2020.11.30


PURPOSE: In adults with hamstring tightness, stretching is considered a therapeutic exercise that improves flexibility. However, previous studies have reported efficacy of numerous methods, and are inconclusive in determining the most effective stretching techniques. This study aims to compare the outcomes of Evjenth-Hamberg stretching (E-HS), proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching (PNFS), and static stretching (SS), on muscle tone and flexibility. METHODS: A total of 30 subjects were assigned to each of the three stretching groups:; E-HS (n1 = 10), PNFS (n2 = 10), and SS (n3 = 10). Muscle tone of the hamstring muscle, active knee extension (AKE), and passive knee extension (PKE) were assessed by range of motion. RESULTS: After the intervention, statistically significant differences were obtained between groups for muscle tone (p < .05). The post hoc test, showed statistically significant differences in muscle tone between the E-HS and PNFS groups (p < .05), and PNFS and SS groups (p < .05). Post hoc test after intervention, also revealed statistically significant differences in flexibility (p < .05) between the E-HS and PNFS groups (p < .05), E-HS and SS groups (p < .05), and PNFS and SS groups (p < .05). Moreover, a statistically significant difference was observed in PKE scores between the E-HS and SS groups (p < .05), and PNFS and SS groups (p < .05). CONCLUSION: This study indicates that E-HS may be the most effective stretching technique for muscle tone and flexibility, in adults with hamstring tightness.



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