Exploring the problem of Internet Addiction: A Review and Analysis of Existing Literature

  • 투고 : 2020.03.07
  • 심사 : 2020.03.27
  • 발행 : 2020.03.30


Anecdotal reports indicate that maladaptive patterns of Internet use constitute behavioral addiction. Internet addiction is characterized by unrestrained and awfully controlled engrossment or behaviors regarding internet access that lead to impairment, stress, dimensionally measured depression, indicators of social separation and anguish. By reviewing and analyzing approximately 100 articles we present evidence that are able to provide an overview of the main themes and proclivity covered by existing and relevant studies. The vital detection of this research unveils that many factors related to social, demographic, lifestyle changes related constructs have a bearing on the phenomenon of internet addiction strongly. This study not only reached certain conclusions for both theory and practice, but also defined future lines of research according to the gaps detected by the study's results. The main findings from this literature, though not conclusive, but will help the researcher and policymakers to obtain a better understanding and description of the problem faced by the youth and necessary to develop some remedies to lessen the addiction phenomenon.



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