Comparison of New Hanbok Jeogory Pattern for Customizing System Development

  • Cha, Su-Joung (Dept. of Fashion & Clothing, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Heo, Seung-Yeun (Division of Fashion & Jewelry, Gwangju University) ;
  • An, Myung-Sook (Division of Fashion & Jewelry, Gwangju University)
  • Received : 2020.09.28
  • Accepted : 2020.11.12
  • Published : 2020.11.30


This study attempted to find out the difference in the patterns of jeogori between commercially available Shinhanbok brands by comparing and analyzing the patterns of the changing Shinhanbok jeogori in consideration of material characteristics, fit, and fastening. After purchasing and disassembling 6 products, analysis was conducted with the disassembly pattern. As a result of analyzing the shape of the jeogori, the 1st, 3rd and 6th brands showed no darts. In the case of the 5th brand, the three-dimensional effect of the human body was expressed with a princess line. As a result of the appearance evaluation, the 5 brands were evaluated as the highest in most items except for the space of the front width and the group wrinkles of back sleeve armhole, and the appearance was analyzed to be the best. As a result of evaluating the clothing pressure, it was analyzed that the chest circumference of the first brand was smaller than that of the other brands, and the shoulder width and shoulder length were also shorter, and pulling occurred even after wearing. As the demand for new hanbok increases, it is believed that it is necessary to establish a size system for ready-made clothes.

본 연구는 소재 특성, 맞음새, 여밈 등을 고려하여 변화되고 있는 신한복 저고리의 패턴을 비교 분석해봄으로써 시판 신한복 브랜드 간의 저고리 패턴의 차이를 알아보고자 하였다. 6개 제품을 구매, 분해한 후 분해 패턴을 가지고 분석을 실시하였다. 저고리 형태의 경우, 1, 3, 6브랜드의 경우 다트가 없는 형태를 나타냈고 5브랜드는 프린세스라인으로 인체의 입체감을 표현하였다. 외관 평가결과, 5브랜드가 앞품너비의 여유량, 뒤소매진동의 군주름을 제외한 대부분의 항목에서 가장 높게 평가되어 외관이 가장 우수한 것으로 분석되었다. 의복압은 1브랜드의 경우 다른 브랜드의 제품보다 가슴둘레가 작고 어깨폭이나 길이도 짧아 착용 후 당김 현상이 발생하였다. 신한복에 대한 수요가 증가됨에 따라 기성복화하여 사이즈 체계에 대한 확립이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.



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Cited by

  1. Development of New Hanbok Jeogori Prototype vol.26, pp.8, 2020,