New records of two brown algae, Petroderma maculiforme (Ishigeales, Phaeophyceae) and Hincksia sordida (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) from Korea

  • Received : 2020.08.04
  • Accepted : 2020.09.09
  • Published : 2020.09.30


The genus Petroderma never been reported from the coast of Korea. In this study, our collection from Chaeseokang is matched with P. maculiforme morphologically. Petroderma maculiforme is characterized by having small irregular light to dark brown crusts, a basal layer of irregularly shaped cells giving rise to erect parallel filaments which easily separate with pressure, single chromatophore per cell, small spherical to cylindrical unilocular sporangia in a terminal position, and plurilocular sporangia narrower than erect filaments or wider and shorter than erect filaments in a terminal position. In addition, Hineksia sordida was also collected from Korea. It is mostly epiphytic and characterized by uniseriate filamentous thalli forming loose tangled masses, sparse and spiral branching, some long lateral branches, rhizoids occurring throughout the plant, plurilocular and unilocular sporangia scattered on separate plants. Our molecular analyses based on the rbcL gene reveal that our samples of P. maculiforme and H. sordida are nested within the clades of Petroderma and Hincksia, respectively. Therefore P. maculiforme and H. sordida are reported as new records from Korea based on morphological and molecular analyses.



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