An adaptive deviation-resistant neutron spectrum unfolding method based on transfer learning

  • Cao, Chenglong (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Neutron Physics and Control Technology, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Gan, Quan (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Neutron Physics and Control Technology, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Song, Jing (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Neutron Physics and Control Technology, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Yang, Qi (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Neutron Physics and Control Technology, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Hu, Liqin (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Neutron Physics and Control Technology, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Wang, Fang (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Neutron Physics and Control Technology, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Zhou, Tao (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Neutron Physics and Control Technology, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  • 투고 : 2019.12.10
  • 심사 : 2020.04.27
  • 발행 : 2020.11.25


Neutron spectrum is essential to the safe operation of reactors. Traditional online neutron spectrum measurement methods still have room to improve accuracy for the application cases of wide energy range. From the application of artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm in spectrum unfolding, its accuracy is difficult to be improved for lacking of enough effective training data. In this paper, an adaptive deviation-resistant neutron spectrum unfolding method based on transfer learning was developed. The model of ANN was trained with thousands of neutron spectra generated with Monte Carlo transport calculation to construct a coarse-grained unfolded spectrum. In order to improve the accuracy of the unfolded spectrum, results of the previous ANN model combined with some specific eigenvalues of the current system were put into the dataset for training the deeper ANN model, and fine-grained unfolded spectrum could be achieved through the deeper ANN model. The method could realize accurate spectrum unfolding while maintaining universality, combined with detectors covering wide energy range, it could improve the accuracy of spectrum measurement methods for wide energy range. This method was verified with a fast neutron reactor BN-600. The mean square error (MSE), average relative deviation (ARD) and spectrum quality (Qs) were selected to evaluate the final results and they all demonstrated that the developed method was much more precise than traditional spectrum unfolding methods.



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피인용 문헌

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