A 15-year-old castrated male Persian (Case 1), an 1.5-year-old castrated male Bengal (Case 2), and an 1.5-year-old spayed female Russian Blue (Case 3) cats were presented with iris-color change and suspicious anterior chamber mass. Complete ophthalmic examination revealed a vascularized or blood tinted mass filling with anterior chamber accompanied by rubeosis iridis, dyscoria, keratic precipitates, and severe aqueous flare. Ocular ultrasonography showed an iridociliary mass with blood flow signal in Case 1. Abdominal ultrasonography also revealed suspicious metastatic involvements of liver and spleen in this cat. Case 2 and 3 were suspected of being infected with feline infectious peritonitis. Topical antibiotic/steroid combinations were prescribed to control the uveitis in all 3 cases, although enucleation was initially considered for palliative pain management in Case 1. Anterior chamber mass had almost completely disappeared after topical medications and uveitis has been successfully managed, remaining in sight, even though ocular hypertension developed 1 month later in Case 1.