생태계 기반 재난위험저감 (Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction; Eco-DRR)의 역할과 연구방안

  • 김정욱 (국립환경과학원 물환경연구부 물환경평가연구과) ;
  • 김형수 (인하대학교 사회인프라공학과) ;
  • 김수전 (인하대학교 사회인프라공학과)
  • 발행 : 2020.09.25




  1. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems and Human Well-beirg: Synthesis. Island Press, Washington, DC, 137 pp.
  2. Ministry of the Environment(環境省)(2016), Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan, A handbook for practitioners.
  3. Nehren, U., Sudmeier-Rieux, K. Sandholz, S., Estrella, M., Lomarda, M. and T. Guillin. (2014). The Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction case Study and Exercise Source Book, Geneva and Cologne: Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction and Center for Natural Resources and Development
  4. Sudmeier-Rieux, K. and Ash, N. (2009). Environmental Guidance Note for Disaster Risk Reduction: Healthy Ecosystems for Human Security, Revised Edition. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, iii+34 pp