Acupuncture Treatment about Medial Meniscus Posterior Horn Rupture : A Case Report

  • Lee, Hey-Jin (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Lee, Nam-Heon (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Son, Chang-Gue (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Cho, Jung-Hyo (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • Published : 2020.09.30


Objectives : In this case, the knee joint inconvenience with deteriorating pain has been relieved by acupuncture treatment for a patient was 51-year-old male with a left medial meniscal posterior horn rupture in 2012. Methods : Twenty-four times of acupuncture treatments were performed for Twelve weeks from July 2016 to improve the disease. SP8(Jigi; 地機), BL63(Geummun; 金門), KI3(Taegye; 太谿), LI4(Hapgok; 合谷) were chosen for treatment by principles of Traditional Korean Medicine. Results : Numeric Rating Scales, which means subjective pain, decreased from 6 points to 3 points out of 10 points in total. Pressure Pain Threshold, which means sensitivity to pressure applied to the affected area, increased from 21N to 47N on the lateral-inferior side and from 19N to 50N on the lateral side. K-WOMAC, which indicates discomfort of knee-related activity, was 56 points out of 96 points in total before treatment and 4 points after treatment, 13 points after two years, and 15 points after four years. However, MRI tests conducted before and after treatment did not identify any significant changes. As a result, we confirmed that a total of 24 acupuncture treatments had resulted in the relief objective and subjective pain and functional recovery, especially in the case of the knee function, maintained until after four years later. There was no significant substrate recovery in meniscal rupture.



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