Establishment of Promotion Strategy on the Creation Program of Snow Crab, Chionoecetes opilio, Spawning and Habitat Ground Using SWOT-AHP Analysis

SWOT-AHP 분석을 통한 대게 산란·서식장 조성사업의 추진전략 수립

  • Received : 2020.09.16
  • Accepted : 2020.09.28
  • Published : 2020.09.30


This study is aimed to prepare the promotion strategy to spawn snow crab resources and create their habitats using SWOT-AHP analysis. Currently, the creation program of spawning and habitat ground (CPSH) of various fisheries resource is a continuing process, however, none of these CPSH can be labeled as being effective in Korea. In order for CPSH to be effective, it must be planned systematically. Therefore, it is necessary for establishing promotion strategy on the CPSH. SWOT-AHP analysis is used to improve explanation ability of SWOT analysis. In this research, we suggested three strategies and 15 implementation plans of the CPSH using SWOT-AHP analysis. It is expected that the economic feasibility, ecosystem and recovery of fisheries resources will improve significantly. Consequently, to increase the performance of CPSH, it is necessary to focus on the developing an efficient and executive promotion strategy on the CPSH.



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