Phylogenetic position of Carex splendentissima, a Korean endemic sedge (Cyperaceae)

  • CHUNG, Kyong-Sook (Department of Medicinal Plant Science, Jungwon University) ;
  • YANG, Sungyu (Korea Herbal Medicine Resources Research Center, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • NAM, Bo-Mi (International Biological Material Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology)
  • 투고 : 2020.04.17
  • 심사 : 2020.09.21
  • 발행 : 2020.09.30


Carex splendentissima U. Kang & J. M. Chung, endemic to the Korean peninsula, is characterized by staminate terminal spikes and glabrous elliptic perigynia. Based on its broad leaves, androgynous spikes, and tri-stigmatic features, the species has been placed in Carex sect. Siderostictae Franch. ex Ohwi, an East Asian section and a basal group in the genus. To clarify the monophyly and phylogenetic position of the species, a molecular study using the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA (trnL-F) data was conducted. The DNA sequence data of ten taxa in sect. Siderostictae and closely related taxa (two taxa in sect. Surculosae) with outgroups were analyzed based on maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood (ML) criteria. In the analyses, C. splendentissima was monophyletic and placed within the Siderostictae clade (sect. Siderostictae + two species of sect. Surculosae), forming a clade with C. ciliatomarginata and C. pachygyna (endemic to Japan). The clade (C. splendentissima + C. ciliatomarginata + C. pachygyna) shows evidence of diploidy. Furthermore, C. splendentissima is a sister to C. ciliatomarginata in the ML tree, and the two taxa have staminate terminal spikes. This study also updates the distribution of C. splendentissima and provides keys to the four Korean taxa in sect. Siderostictae. To conserve the endemic species C. splendentissima, further research on its genetic and ecological features should be conducted at the population level.



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