Transfer of Xenomitochondria Containing the Entire Mouse Mitochondrial Genome into a Genetically Modified Yeast Expressing Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A

  • 투고 : 2020.04.16
  • 심사 : 2020.07.03
  • 발행 : 2020.09.28


Recently, it was reported that entire mammalian mtDNA genomes could be transplanted into the mitochondrial networks of yeast, where they were accurately and stably maintained without rearrangement as intact genomes. Here, it was found that engineered mtDNA genomes could be readily transferred to and steadily maintained in the mitochondria of genetically modified yeast expressing the mouse mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam), one of the mitochondrial nucleoid proteins. The transferred mtDNA genomes were stably retained in the Tfam-expressing yeast cells for many generations. These results indicated that the engineered mouse mtDNA genomes introduced in yeast mitochondria could be relocated into the mitochondria of other cells and that the transferred genomes could be maintained within a mitochondrial environment that is highly amenable to mimicry of the biological conditions in mammalian mitochondria.



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