Why We #Hashtag: Motivations Associated with Posting Brand Hashtags on Social Media

  • Received : 2020.08.23
  • Accepted : 2020.08.30
  • Published : 2020.09.30


Hashtags (#) have received a great deal of attention from academia and industry as an effective digital tool for engaging social media users and facilitating electronic word-of-mouth for brands. We delved into motivations concerning people's brand-related hashtag-posting behavior on social media. The findings revealed three motivations for posting brand-related hashtags on social media: social acceptance, brand altruism, and incentive seeking. Additionally, we examined the relationships between motivations and brand relationship variables. The results showed that social acceptance and brand-related altruism predicted all of the five relationship variables (i.e., brand attitude, brand trust, brand affective and calculative commitment and brand loyalty), while incentive-seeking predicted brand calculative commitment and brand loyalty. The findings of the study provide some meaningful insights into the development of brand communication strategies and help marketers capitalize on social media platforms to achieve higher user involvement.



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