Microscopic research on the olfactory organ of the Far Eastern brook lamprey Lethenteron reissneri (Pisces, Petromyzontidae)

  • Hyun-Tae Kim (Department of Biological Science and Institute for Biodiversity Research, College of Natural Sciences, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Jong-Young Park (Department of Biological Science and Institute for Biodiversity Research, College of Natural Sciences, Jeonbuk National University)
  • Received : 2020.08.09
  • Accepted : 2020.09.08
  • Published : 2020.12.31


The olfactory anatomy and histology of Lethenteron reissneri were researched using a stereo microscope, a light microscope, and a scanning electron microscope. As in other lampreys, it shows same characters as follows: i) a single olfactory organ, ii) a single tubular nostril, iii) a single olfactory chamber with gourd-like form, iv) a nasal valve, v) a nasopharyngeal pouch, vi) a sensory epithelium (SE) of continuous distribution, vii) a supporting cells with numerous long cilia, viii) an accessory olfactory organ. However, the description of a pseudostratified columnar layer in the SE and Non SE is a first record, not reported in sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus. In particular, both 19 to 20 lamellae in number and olfactory receptor neuron's quarter ciliary length of the knob diameter differ from those of P. marinus. From these results, it might be considered that the olfactory organ of L. reissneri shows well adaptive structure of a primitive fish to slow flowing water with gravel, pebbles, and sand and a hiding habit into sand bottom at daytime. The lamellar number and neuron's ciliary length may be a meaningful taxonomic character for the class Petromyzonida.



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