Effects of Collective Promotion on the Attainment of Goals of Basic Education in English-Speaking Primary Schools in Cameroon

  • 투고 : 2020.02.20
  • 심사 : 2020.06.27
  • 발행 : 2020.08.31


This study aims at investigating the effects of collective promotion on the attainment of literacy, numeracy, and essential life skills by primary school pupils and also to find out if the policy of collective promotion meets its objective of minimization of wastage in basic education. The study used written tests for pupils in the final class (Level II, class 6) to collect data in some selected English-speaking primary schools in Meme Division of Cameroon. Descriptive statistics and a one way ANOVA were used for analyzing data. The results revealed that the policy of collective promotion negatively affects the attainment of literacy, numeracy, and essential life skills of pupils in Kumba, Meme Division. Teachers who assisted in the study through personal communication with the researcher argued that collective promotion in basic education does not achieve its objective of minimizing wastage of educational resources; neither does it positively improve the literacy, numeracy, and essential life skills of pupils. This study recommends that the policy of collective promotion can be revisited and that focus be placed not only on minimizing wastage of resources but also on investing on quality education system so as to equip the would-be leaders of tomorrow with skills, knowledge, and attitudes which will make them functional and responsible citizens in their society.



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